Devi Susanti
Analisis tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap atribut-atribut mobil Ford Fiesta = Analysis of important level and the customer satisfaction of attributes-attributes Ford Fiesta
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Tesis Open
Yozzy Rizal Ramadhan
Smartphone industrial report : faktor-faktor penting pendorong pemilihan merek smartphone = Smartphone industrial report important factors that driving preference towards smartphone brands
 UI - Tesis Membership
Aditya Tirta Pratama
Upaya peningkatan kehandalan dan ketersediaan excavator hitachi EX-2500 pada area tambang batu bara terbuka menggunakan importance measure = Effort on reliability and availability improvement of excavator hitachi BX-2500 at open-pit coal mine areas by using importance measure
 UI - Tesis Open
Application of importance performance analisis in assessing the services quality of night bus transportation
 Artikel Jurnal
E.M. Alfalesa
Kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi terkait dengan peran satuan kerja khusus pelaksana kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi (SKK Migas) dalam pelaksanaan penitipan ganti kerugian konsinyasi proyek pembangunan drilling, flowline dan access road di Kabupaten Wajo = The business activities upstream oil and gas related to the role of special task force for upstream oil and gas business activities (SKK Migas) in the custody of compensastion consignment project development drilling, and access road flowline in Wajo
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership