ABSTRAKDalam penelitian ini dianalisis tanggung jawab rumah sakit terhadap perbuatan
melawan hukum yang dilakukan dokter bukan pegawai rumah sakit, penerapan
teori central responsibility dan analisis putusan No. 18/Pdt.G/2006/PN.PLG,
62/PDT/2006/PT.PLG, 1752 K/Pdt/2007 dan 352/PK/PDT/2010. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Rumah
sakit bertanggung jawab terhadap perbuatan melawan hukum yang terjadi di
rumah sakit. Penerapan teori Central Responsibility memberikan kepastian
hukum bagi pasien dan rumah sakit dimana rumah sakit bertanggung jawab
secara terpusat terhadap semua kejadian di rumah sakit. Pada putusan No.
18/Pdt.G/2006/PN.PLG, 62/PDT/2006/PT.PLG, 1752 K/Pdt/2007 dan
352/PK/PDT/2010 rumah sakit bertanggung jawab secara Central Responsibility
ABSTRACTIn this research analyzed the relation between the hospital's responsibility with
the unlawful act that done by the doctors who are not be part of hospital's
employee and the application of the central responsibility theory, and analysis of
the judicial decision number 18/Pdt.G/2006/PN.PLG, 62/PDT/2006/PT.PLG,
1752 K/Pdt/2007 and 352/PK/PDT/2010. This study uses normative juridical
method with qualitative approach. The hospital is responsible for the unlawful act
that occurred in the hospital. The application of the central responsibility theory
makes the legal certainty of both patients and the hospital with the hospital
responsible centrally to all cases that happen in the hospital. In the judicial
decision number 18/Pdt.G/2006/PN.PLG, 62/PDT/2006/PT.PLG, 1752
K/Pdt/2007 and 352/PK/PDT/2010 hospital responsible centrally"