Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Botenga, Marc
"Penolakan terhadap Konstitusi Europa yang telah terjadi, ternyata bukanlah dikarenakan sisi formil ataupun sisi materil yang riil dari konstitusi itu kan tetapi lebih pada masalah pendapat dan interpretasi yang berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat terhadap isi konstitusi, dimana terdapat kecurigaan dan masih tersisanya tanda tanya besar akan masa depan mereka dengan peningkatan proses integrasi yang terus terjadi. Mereka membutuhkan penjelasan yang lebih mendalam akan hal ini. Para pemimpin Eropa seharusnya menilai hasil referandum yang terjadi di Prancis sebagai suatu pengalaman positif, karena tidak jarang terjadi perdebatan besar dan intensif pada masyarakat Eropa dalam setiap langkah proses integrasi apabila menyangkut interpretasi terhadap teks suatu dokumen hukum yang akan di berlakukan. Perkembangan yang terjadi saat ini yang melibatkan bangsa-bangsa Eropa membuktikan, bahwa Uni Eropa perlu melakukan reformasi dalam setiap upaya integrasi yang dilakukan dengan cara lebih melibatkan dan mendekatkan diri kepada masyarakatnya. Dengan kata lain, dapat dinyatakan bahwa "Suatu traktat yng konstitusional membutuhkan pemahaman dan dukungan sepenuhnya dari seluruh bangsa Eropa"."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudha Akbar
"Perjalanan Uni Eropa menjadi suatu entitas regional yang lebih terpadu solid dan responsif terhadap tantangan zaman, saat ini sedang menemui masa yang cukup kritis. Penolakan masyarakat Perancis dan Belanda yang mereka simbulkan dengan hasil negatif pada referendum bagi kostitusi Eropa telah menjelaskan secara nyata bahwa perlunya menelaah lebih dalam lagi urgensi sebuah konstitusi bagi Uni Eropa. Meskipun masa depan konstitusi ini belum fina, akan tetapi ketiadaan rencana cadangan (Plan B) atas kemungkinan kegagalan referendum tersebut menjadi kan model regionalisme ini (seharusnya) berkonsentrasi pada pengambilan langkah-langkah analities strategis untuk memuluskan pembuatan konstitusi yang sebagian kalangan dianggap merupakan suatu keharusan."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Safri Nugraha
"This article explains the development of European law in the past, and how it evolved into its contemporary state.Globalization of European law influences the relations between European Union and Indonesia, especially in the trade sector.Both legal systems inevitably become more intertwined in the global context.This article also focused on how European law has given contribution to the development of Indonesia legal system."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Narendra Jatna
"This article tries to give an image on whether or not european Law can be considered as a genre in law. The treaty of the European Union, the institution of European Union itself,the role of European Court of Justice, and the draft of the European constitution all combined made the European Union not just an ordinary Regional International Organization but more a distinctful European Federation,because it still holds the sovereignty of each member states. What even more interesting to analyze is how European law combines the tradition of Roman Law and tradition of the Anglo Saxon Law. Due to these distinctive features, any country conducting bilateral relations with any ot the member states should also put some considerations to the European law that will affect their bilateral relations."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambos, Kai
"Since their creation, the European Union and the Council of Europe have worked to harmonise the justice systems of their member states. This project has been met with a series of challenges. European Criminal Law offers a compelling insight into the development and functions of European criminal law. It tracks the historical development of European criminal law, offering a detailed critical analysis of the criminal justice systems responsible for its implementation. While the rapid expansion and transnationalisation of criminal law is a necessary response to the growing numbers of free movement of persons and goods, it has serious implications for the rights of European citizens and needs to be balanced with rights protections. With its close analysis of secondary legislation and reliance on a wide variety of original sources, this book provides a thorough understanding of European Criminal Law and the institutions involved."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Armstrong, Kenneth A.
"The result of the UK referendum in June 2016 on membership of the European Union had immediate repercussions across the UK, the EU and internationally. As the dust begins to settle, attention is now naturally drawn to understanding why this momentous decision came about and how and when the UK will leave the EU. What are the options for the new legal settlements between the UK and the EU? What will happen to our current political landscape within the UK in the time up to and including its exit from the EU? What about legal and political life after Brexit? Within a series of short essays, Brexit Time explores and contextualises each stage of Brexit in turn: pre-referendum; the result; the process of withdrawal; rethinking EU relations; and post-Brexit. During a time of intense speculation and commentary, this book offers an indispensable guide to the key issues surrounding a historic event and its uncertain aftermath."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library