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Andy Martahan Andreas Hariandja
"Penelitian terapi pijat bagi anak dengan GSA yang dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 10 – 15 tahun lebih banyak ditujukan terhadap anak yang telah didiagnosis gangguan spektrum autisme dengan rerata usia anak berada di antara 3 – 6 tahun. Di Indonesia penelitian tentang terapi pijat pada anak dengan risiko gangguan spektrum autisme belum banyak dilakukan dan dipublikasikan di jurnal ilmiah.
Prevalensi penderita gangguan spektrum autisme di beberapa belahan dunia cenderung meningkat, seperti di Negara Amerika Serikat, Cina dan negara berkembang seperti di Indonesia. Di Indonesia sendiri data dan informasi yang akurat dan lengkap dari penderita gangguan spektrum autisme (GSA) masih kurang, sehingga dikuatirkan banyak anak dengan gejala risiko gangguan spektrum autisme tidak mendapatkan penanganan secara dini.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan modul terapi pijat pada anak risiko gangguan spektrum autisme, mengetahui dan menganalisis modifikasi skor M-CHAT dan mengetahui hasil penerapan TPGSA dalam menurunkan skor M-Chat dan status risiko gangguan spektrum autisme pada anak Usia 18–36 bulan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Desktiptif dengan pendekatan Studi Kasus. Populasi penelitian adalah anak usia 18-36 bulan yang telah mengikuti skrining/pemeriksaan M-CHAT di PKM Pasar Minggu, PKM Cipayung dan PKM Kebon Jeruk. sebanyak 1685 orang dengan angka kejadian anak risiko autisme sebanyak 14 orang (0,8%) dari bulan Mei tahun 2019 sampai dengan Maret 2020. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 10 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Jumlah anak yang diskrining dalam rangka modifikasi Skor M-CHAT adalah 904 anak yang dianalisis dengan Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) untuk memperoleh nilai Cut off Point dan Sensitivitas.
Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan ROC, diperoleh cut off point ≤ 24 dengan sensitivitas 87 % dengan Confidance Interval (CI) 95% dengan ROC area under the curve 0.912. Hasil penelitian dari penerapan terapi pijat diperoleh gambaran terdapat penurunan skor M-Chat dan perubahan status risiko gangguan spektrum autsime yang dimulai pada periode III hari ke 21-30 dan periode IV hari ke 31-40 pemberian terapi pijat.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah hasil analisis ROC pada modifikasi skor M-CHAT dapat digunakan untuk melakukan skrining dan menilai status risiko GSA, penerapan TPGSA dapat menurunkan skor risiko anak GSA dan dapat merubah anak risiko GSA dari risiko tingi menjadi risiko autisme dan normal.

Research on massage therapy for children with ASD that was conducted over a period of 10-15 years was mostly aimed at children who had been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders with the average age of children being between 3-6 years. In Indonesia, research on massage therapy in children at risk for ASD has not been widely carried out and reported in the form of scientific journal publications.
The prevalence of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders in some parts of the world tends to increase, such as in the United States, China and developing countries such as Indonesia. In Indonesia alone, accurate and complete data and information from people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are still lacking, so it is feared that many children with risk symptoms of autism spectrum disorders do not get early treatment.
This study aims to develop a massage therapy modul for children at risk for ASD, find out and analyze the modification of The Modified Check List for Autism in Toddler (M-CHAT) score and determine the results of the application of MTASD in reducing the risk score for ASD in children aged 18-36 months. The type of research used is descriptive research with a case study approach. The study population was children aged 18-36 months who had participated in the M-CHAT screening/examination at the Pasar Minggu Community Health Center (CHC), CHC of Cipayung and CHC of Kebon Jeruk as many as 1685 people with the incidence of children at risk of autism as many as 14 people (0.8%) from May 2019 to March 2020. The research sample was 10 people who met the inclusion criteria. The number of children screened in order to modify the M-CHAT score was 904 children who were analyzed by Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) to obtain Cut off Point and Sensitivity values.
The results of the study based on ROC analysis obtained a cut off point ≤ 24 with a sensitivity of 87 % with a Confidance Interval (CI) of 95%, with an ROC area under the curve of 0.912. From the application of MTASD, it was found that a decrease in the M-CHAT score occurred in period III starting from day 30.
The conclusion of this study is that the results of the ROC analysis on the modified M-CHAT score can be used as a score to screen and assess the risk status of ASD, the application of MTASD can reduce the risk score of children with ASD and can change children at risk of ASD from high risk to autism risk and normal.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pandu Caesaria Lestari
"Latar belakang
Kemampuan meminta (mand) dan menyebut (tact) adalah kemampuan yang perlu ditingkatkan pada awal terapi verbal behavior pada anak autisme. Metode telehealth oleh orangtua dapat memberikan terapi dini. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat efektivitas pelatihan yang dilakukan orangtua terhadap peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi awal anak GSA dalam meminta (mand) dan menyebut (tact).
Uji klinis acak terkontrol terhadap anak autisme berusia 2-5 tahun. Penilaian kemampuan anak menggunakan instrumen verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement program. Orangtua kelompok perlakuan mendapat modul video pelatihan dan bimbingan dari terapis, sebelum memulai terapi selama 3 bulan pada anak. Penilaian kemampuan ulang dilakukan pada kedua kelompok di akhir periode.
Terdapat 40 subyek yang masuk ke dalam level 1 VBMAPP. Skor VB MAPP sesudah pemberian intervensi meningkat dari 13,83 menjadi 24,43. Peningkatan median skor mand 1 menjadi 2 dan median skor tact 1 menjadi 3 (p<0,001). Perbandingan peningkatan median skor mand antara kedua kelompok menunjukkan hasil bermakna (p=0,003). Kenaikan proporsi skor mand dan tact tampak lebih tinggi pada kelompok perlakuan.
Pelatihan mand dan tact oleh orangtua pada anak autisme dengan menggunakan metode telehealth efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan anak meminta, dan bermakna secara klinis dalam meningkatkan kemampuan anak menyebut. Metode telehealth dapat diterima oleh orangtua.

Mand and tact is a skill in verbal behavior therapy that needs to be improved initially. The telehealth method are helpful for those in rural area. This study aim was to assess effectiveness of telehealth mand and tact training by parents on increasing the child’s mand and tact skill.
A randomized controlled clinical trial of 2-5 years old children with ASD. Assessment of children's milestones using verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement program. Parents in the intervention group received video modelling and guidance from a therapist before giving therapy for 3 months. Re-assessment was done in both groups at the end of the period.
A total of 40 subjects with ASD in level 1 VBMAPP meet criteria. A significant increase in the VB MAPP score after the intervention, namely 13.83 to 24.43. Mand median score increased from 1 to 2, and the tact, 1 to 3 with p<0.001. Comparison of the increase in the median mand score between the two groups showed significant results (p = 0.003). The increase in the proportion of mand and tact scores was higher in intervention group.
Telehealth mand and tact training by parents for children with ASD effective in improving mand, and clinically meaningful in improving tact. The telehealth method can be accepted by parents.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liza Meilany
"Latar Belakang. Anak dengan Spektrum Gangguan Autisme (SGA) seringkali mengalami gangguan gerak halus, yang dapat menimbulkan hambatan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari serta mengganggu performa sekolah. Hingga saat ini belum ada data mengenai prevalens maupun gambaran gangguan gerak halus pada anak SGA di Indonesia, termasuk dampaknya terhadap performa sekolah.
Tujuan. Mengetahui prevalens gangguan gerak halus anak SGA, mengetahui gambaran gangguan gerak halus anak SGA, mengetahui dampak gangguan gerak halus terhadap performa sekolah anak SGA.
Metode. Penelitian analitik potong lintang dilakukan sejak bulan Januari sampai Mei 2014. Subjek anak SGA didapatkan dari Klinik Anakku CMC Kayu Putih. Subjek pada kelompok kontrol dari sebuah sekolah swasta yang telah dilakukan matching usia dan jenis kelamin dengan kelompok SGA. Terhadap subjek penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan keterampilan gerak halus dengan BOT-2 dan penilaian performa fungsional sekolah melalui pengisian kuesioner SFA oleh guru atau terapis.
Hasil. Subjek penelitian pada kelompok SGA dan kelompok kontrol masing- masing berjumlah 43 anak. Prevalens gangguan gerak halus pada kelompok SGA sebesar 91%. Jumlah subjek pada kelompok SGA yang mengalami gangguan gerak halus pada komposit fine manual control dan manual coordination, serta subtes fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, dan upper- limb coordination lebih besar dibanding kelompok kontrol, dengan median skor kelompok SGA yang lebih rendah pada semua komposit/subtes dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara gangguan gerak halus kelompok SGA dengan performa fungsional sekolah.
Simpulan. Prevalens gangguan gerak halus anak SGA pada penelitian ini adalah 91%. Gangguan gerak halus yang dialami anak SGA berdasarkan pemeriksaan dengan BOT-2 mencakup komposit fine manual control dan manual coordination, serta subtes fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, dan upper-limb coordination. Pada anak SGA, gangguan gerak halus berhubungan dengan gangguan pada performa fungsional sekolah.

Background. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) often have fine motor impairment, which may present barriers in performing their daily activities and interfere with their school performance. Until now there has been no data on the prevalence and description of fine motor impairment in children with ASD in Indonesia, including its impact on the children’s school performance.
Objective. To determine the prevalence of fine motor impairments in children with ASD, to provide the description of fine motor impairments in children with ASD, and to determine the impact of fine motor impairments on the school performance of children with ASD.
Method. A cross-sectional analytic study conducted from January to May 2014. Subjects were children with ASD from Klinik Anakku CMC Kayu Putih. Subjects in the control group were students from a private school matched by age and sex with the ASD group. Fine motor examination was performed using BOT-2 and assessment of school functional performance was conducted through SFA questionnaires filled by teachers or therapists.
Result. There were 43 subjects each on ASD and control groups. Prevalence of fine motor impairments in children with ASD in this study was 91%. The number of subjects in the ASD group having fine motor impairement on the fine manual control and manual coordination composites, as well as fine precision motors, motors fine integration, manual dexterity, and upper-limb coordination subtests are greater than the control group, with median score of all the composites/subtests lower on ASD group compared to that in the control group. There was a significant correlation between fine motor impairments in ASD children with their school function performance.
Result. Prevalence of fine motor impairments in children with ASD in this study was 91%. Fine motor impairments experienced by children with ASD based on examination using BOT-2 covers fine manual control and manual coordination composites, as well as fine precision motors, motors fine integration, manual dexterity, and upper-limb coordination subtests. In children with ASD, fine motor impairment was associated with disturbances in the school function performance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Junita Elvira Pandji Surya
"Latar belakang: Autisme adalah salah satu gangguan nerodevelopmental yang muncul pada abad ke-20. Berbagai studi epidemiologi menunjukkan peningkatan tajam prevalensi gangguan spektrum autisme (GSA). Berdasarkan Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 gangguan sensorik merupakan salah satu kriteria utama GSA. Sampai saat ini belum ada pedoman tatalaksana nonmedikamentosa GSA. Sebagian besar penelitian menekankan bahwa terapi perilaku adalah terapi terbaik untuk GSA sedangkan terapi okupasi sensorik integrasi (TO-SI) hanya memiliki bukti rendah hingga sedang. Pusponegoro dan beberapa ahli saraf anak di Indonesia berdasarkan pengalaman klinis mengamati bahwa TO-SI dapat mengurangi perilaku negatif anak GSA terutama pada usia di bawah 5 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh TO-SI dalam mengurangi perilaku negatif anak usia 2 sampai 5 tahun dengan GSA. Metode: Sebuah penelitian pra-eksperimen pertama dilakukan di klinik Check My Child (CMC) dan Klinik Anakku Kelapa Gading pada bulan Desember 2017 hingga April 2018. Populasi penelitian adalah anak baru dengan GSA usia 2 hingga 5 tahun. Subyek dikumpulkan secara konsekutif sampling. Profil perilaku dinilai berdasarkan Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC)-2 sebelum dan sesudah TO-SI dua kali seminggu selama 12 minggu (24 kali), 50 menit untuk setiap sesi. Analisis nilai normal dengan uji t dan uji Wilcoxon untuk nilai terdistribusi tidak merata. Hasil: Penelitian dilakukan pada 42 subjek usia 2 hingga 5 tahun dengan GSA, 50% usia 3 tahun, rasio anak lelaki dibandingkan perempuan 5 banding 1. Rerata profil perilaku negatif tertinggi adalah hiperaktifitas 23,61 (SD 8,91), diikuti oleh penarikan sosial 16,81 (SD 8,16), dan iritabilitas 11,43 (SD 6,99). Median perilaku stereotipik adalah 5,25 dan bicara tidak tepat 2,00. Setelah TO-SI, semua perilaku negatif menurun secara signifikan p <0,001. Perilaku hiperaktifitas menurun menjadi 12,71 (SD 8,36) sekitar 53,8%, penarikan sosial menjadi 7,94 (SD 6,18) 47,2%, iritabilitas hingga 6,62 (SD 4,99) 57,9 %, dan median stereotipik 19,0% dan bicara tidak tepat 50%. Kami mendapatkan spektrum profil perilaku anak dengan GSA yang cukup luas. Kesimpulan: Kami menemukan bahwa TO-SI dua kali seminggu selama 12 minggu dapat menurunkan perilaku negatif anak GSA usia dini terutama usia 2 hingga 5 tahun.

Background: Autism is one of emerging neurodevelopmental disorder on 20th century. Studies showed a remarkable increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Since 2013, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 included sensory disorder as one of main criteria of ASD. Treatment guideline remain unclear. Most studies stressed that behavior therapy was the best treatment for ASD and sensory integration occupational therapy (SI-OT) only has low to moderate evidence. Pusponegoro and pediatric neurologists in Indonesia based on their clinical experience observed that SI-OT might be useful as ASD treatment for young children especially under 5 years old. Based on that situation, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of SI-OT in decreasing negative behavior of children ages 2 to 5 years with ASD. Methods: A first pre-post one group pre-experimental study conducted in Check My Child clinic (CMC) and Klinik Anakku Kelapa Gading on December 2017 to April 2018. The study population were new ASD children ages 2 to 5 years. Subject were collected with consecutive sampling. Behavior profile were assessed with Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC)-2 before and after SI-OT twice a week for 12 weeks (24 times), 50 minutes for each session. Analysis of normal value with t test and Wilcoxon test for unequally distributed value. Results: A total of 42 ASD subject ages within 2 to 5 years old were studied, 50% were 3 years, and boys to girl ratio were 5 to 1. The highest mean negative behavior profile was hyperactivity 23,61 (SD 8,91) followed by social withdrawal 16,81 (SD 8,16), and irritability 11,43 (SD 6,99). Stereotypic median was 5,25 and inappropriate speech 2,00. After SI-OT, all negative behavior decreased significantly p<0.001. Hyperactivity behavior decreased to 12,71 (SD 8,36) about 53,8%, social withdrawal to 7,94 (SD 6,18) 47,2%, irritability to 6,62 (SD 4,99) 57,9%, and median of stereotypic 19,0% and inappropriate speech 50%. We found a broad-spectrum behavior profile of ASD children. Conclusions: We found that SI-OT twice a week for 12 weeks could decrease negative behavior of young ASD children especially ages 2 to 5 years."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Perilaku abberant sering terdapat pada pasien GSA. Salah satu kuesioner yang bisa digunakan untuk menilai perilaku abberant adalah kuesioner ABC-C 2017. Kuesioner ABC-C 2017 mengukur 5 domain perilaku abberant (iritabilitas, penarikan diri secara sosial, perilaku stereotipik, hiperaktivitas/ ketidakpatuhan dan pola bicara yang tidak tepat) pada anak dan remaja dengan diagnosis GSA, saat ini belum ada versi Bahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang untuk menilai kesahihan dan keandalan kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia. Kesahihan isi dihitung menggunakan Content Validity Index for Items (I-CVI) dan Content Validity Index for Scales (S-CVI). Uji keandalan konsistensi internal dihitung menggunakan Cronbach alpha. Penelitian ini juga menilai proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan 5 domain kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia, pada anak dan remaja dengan GSA di Poliklinik Jiwa Anak dan Remaja RSCM.
Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai I-CVI dan S-CVI kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia sebesar 0,917, sehingga kesahihan isi kuesioner ini dinilai baik. Hasil keandalan konsistensi internal baik sampai excellent dengan nilai Cronbach’s alpha untuk masing-masing domain iritabilitas 0,938; penarikan diri secara sosial 0,936; perilaku stereotipik 0,930; hiperaktivitas, ketidakpatuhan 0,949 dan domain pola bicara yang tidak tepat 0,869. Proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan penilaian 5 domain kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia, pada anak dan remaja dengan GSA di Poliklinik Jiwa Anak dan Remaja RSCM, didapatkan hasil, domain iritabilitas derajat ringan sebesar 70,6%; penarikan diri secara sosial derajat ringan 72,5%; perilaku stereotipik 100% derajat ringan; hiperaktivitas/ketidakpatuhan derajat sedang 47,1%, dan pola bicara yang tidak tepat 100% derajat ringan. Proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan usia dan jenis kelamin juga didominasi derajat ringan, kecuali domain hiperaktivitas/ketidakpatuhan derajat sedang. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik, proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan usia dan jenis kelamin anak.
Kesimpulan: Kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia dapat dipakai di Indonesia untuk penelitian selanjutnya, mendeteksi 5 domain perilaku abberant pada pasien GSA dan sebagai modul pendidikan bagi tenaga kesehatan.

Background: Abberant behavior is often found in ASD patients. One of the questionnaires that can be used to assess abusive behavior is the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire. The 2017 ABC-C questionnaire measures 5 domains of abberant behavior (irritability, social withdrawal, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity/non-compliance and inappropriate speech patterns) in children. and adolescents with a diagnosis of ASD, currently there is no Indonesian version.
Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design to assess the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire. Content validity was calculated using the Content Validity Index for Items (I-CVI) and the Content Validity Index for Scales (S-CVI). Internal consistency reliability test was calculated using Cronbach alpha. This study also assessed the proportion of abusive behavior based on the 5 domains of the Indonesian version of the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire, in children and adolescents with ASD at the Children and Adolescent Mental Polyclinic RSCM.
Results: The results of the analysis show that the I-CVI and S-CVI scores of the 2017 ABC-C Indonesian version of the questionnaire are 0.917, so the validity of the contents of this questionnaire is considered good. The results of the reliability of internal consistency are good to excellent with Cronbach's alpha value for each irritability domain 0.938; social withdrawal 0.936; stereotypic behavior 0.930; hyperactivity, non-compliance 0.949 and inappropriate speech pattern domain 0.869. The proportion of abnormal behavior based on the assessment of the 5 domains of the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire in Indonesian version, in children and adolescents with ASD at the Child and Adolescent Mental Polyclinic RSCM, the results obtained, the domain of mild irritability was 70.6%; mild social withdrawal 72.5%; 100% mild stereotypic behavior; moderate degree of hyperactivity/non-compliance is 47.1%, and inappropriate speech is 100% mild. The proportion of abberant behavior based on age and gender was also dominated by mild degrees, except for the moderate degree of hyperactivity/non-compliance domain. There was no statistically significant difference, the proportion of abusive behavior based on the age and sex of the child.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the ABC-C 2017 Questionnaire can be used in Indonesia for further research, detecting 5 domains of abnormal behavior in ASD patients and as an education module for health workers.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Garland, Teresa
"Keeping children's bodies, minds and emotions on task just got easier with this new book from self-regulation expert Teresa Garland. It features more than 200 practical and proven interventions, strategies and adaptation for helping children gain more control over their lives. Each chapter provides rich background and theoretical material to help the reader better understand the issues our children face. Topics include: Basic and advanced methods to calm a child and to prevent outbursts and melt-downs; Interventions to help with attention problems, impulse control, distractibility and the ability to sit still; Stories and video-modeling for autism, along with techniques to quell repetitive behaviors; Sensory strategies for sensitivity and craving; Behavioral and sensory approaches to picky eating; Ways to increase organization skills using technology and apps; Strategies for managing strong emotions as well as techniques for releasing them.
Keeping children bodies, minds and emotions on task just got easier with this new book from self-regulation expert Teresa Garland. Featuring more than 200 practical and proven interventions, strategies and adaptation for helping children gain more control over their lives. Each chapter provides rich background and theoretical material to help the reader better understand the issues our children face. Topics include: =​ Basic and advanced methods to calm a child and to preventing outbursts and melt-downs =​ Interventions to help with attention problems, impulse control, distractibility and the ability to sit still =​ Stories and video-modeling for autism, along with techniques to quell repetitive behaviors =​ Sensory strategies for sensitivity and craving =​ Behavioral and sensory approaches to picky eating =​ Ways to increase organization skills using technology and apps =​ Strategies for managing strong emotions as well as techniques for releasing them."
Eau Claire, Wisconsin: Pesi Publishing Media, 2014
618.92 GAR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kroncke, Anna P.
"This book examines current and emerging techniques for the dynamic and evolving field of autism assessment. It provides a detailed, research-based discussion of the latest innovations in assessment from a practical perspective accumulated from decades of autism assessment and treatment training and experience in both educational and clinical settings. The book provides personal insights into the engaging and intriguing autism population and case studies of children who have captured the hearts and minds of clinicians nationwide. As the rates of autism have grown more than 10-fold during the past decade, researchers have questioned whether unclear diagnostic guidelines may be to blame for the high numbers of recently diagnosed children. Rather, the authors argue, tighter agreed upon methods for diagnosis of autism have allowed for more accurate identification of children who indeed require supportive treatments and therapies. This unique volume provides readers with clarity about best-practice assessment approaches from sequential and pragmatic perspectives as well as an understanding of critical issues and hurdles in ascertaining the appropriate diagnosis. In addition, myriad potential comorbid conditions or differential diagnoses are addressed. This book is a must-have resource for clinicians and practitioners as well as researchers and graduate students in the fields of child and school psychology, behavioral therapy, social work, psychiatry, pediatrics, forensic psychology, and educational and healthcare policy"--Publisher's description."
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2016
616.858 82 KRO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewinta Larasati Paramitha Setiawan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi caregiver strain pada ibu yang memiliki dan merawat anak kandungnya yang didiagnosa autism spectrum disorder ASD . Intervensi ini dilakukan karena tingginya tegangan yang dirasakan oleh caregiver selama proses perawatan. Tegangan tersebut tidak hanya berpengaruh pada kesehatan mental dari caregiver, tetapi juga berdampak pada pasien yang dirawat. Oleh karena itu, peneliti kemudian melakukan penelitian kuasi-eksperimental one group, before after pretest ndash; posttest design, yaitu dengan memberikan intervensi acceptance and commitment therapy ACT kepada empat orang partisipan. Selanjutnya, analisis dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari hasil pretest dan posttest. Secara kuantitatif, intervensi ini berhasil mengurangi nilai ketegangan caregiver yang diukur melalui the modified caregiver strain index MCSI . Secara kualitatif, intervensi ACT ini juga dapat mengatasi ketegangan caregiver selama proses perawatan. Partisipan memiliki perasaan yang lebih positif, mampu mengendalikan emosi negatif, dan lebih mampu menghadapi kejadian tidak menyenangkan dalam hidupnya. Mereka juga memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru mengenai cara untuk mengatasi ketegangan sebagai caregiver dari anak yang didiagnosa ASD.

This research aims to reduce caregiver strain of mothers who have and take care of autism spectrum disorder ASD children. This intervention conducted based on a high caregiver strain during caregiving process. This strain not only affects caregiver rsquo s psychological well being, but also the patient. Therefore, this research conducted using one group quasi experimental, before after pretest posttest design, by giving out ACT to four participants. The analysis done by comparing quantitative and qualitative data from the result of pretest and posttest. From the quantitative data, it is found that the intervention helps reduce strain score using the modified caregiver strain index MCSI . Qualitatively, this intervention helps the participants to deal with the strain as a caregiver during caregiving process. Participants have more positive feeling, able to control negative emotions, and more able to deal with unpleasant events in her life. They also get new knowledge and skills on how to deal with strain as a caregiver an ASD child."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Raditha
"Latar belakang: : Gangguan spektrum autisme (GSA) adalah gangguan
neurodevelopmental yang menyebabkan gangguan komunikasi sosial, interaksi serta
perilaku restriktif dan repetitif yang meliputi gangguan sensori. Gangguan pemrosesan
sensorik menimbulkan kesulitan dalam meregulasi respons terhadap sensasi dan stimulus
spesifik sehingga membatasi kemampuan berpartisipasi dalam rutinitas harian normal.
Terapi okupasi sensori integrasi (TO-SI) digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan
untuk memproses dan mengintegrasi informasi sensorik. Penelitian menunjukkan bukti
ilmiah rendah hingga sedang pada anak usia lebih besar. Berdasarkan pengalaman klinis
Pusponegoro, TO-SI dapat meningkatkan perilaku positif anak GSA terutama pada usia
di bawah 5 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh TO-SI dalam
meningkatkan perilaku positif anak usia 2 sampai 5 tahun dengan GSA.
Metode: Penelitian pra-eksperimen di klinik Check My Child (CMC) dan Klinik Anakku
Kelapa Gading pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2019. Populasi penelitian adalah anak baru
dengan GSA usia 2-5 tahun berdasarkan DSM-5. Subyek dikumpulkan secara konsekutif
sampling. Pelaksanan TO-SI yaitu dua kali seminggu selama 12 minggu (24 kali), 60
menit untuk setiap sesi. Profil perilaku dinilai berdasarkan Vineland Adaptive Behavior-
II sebelum dan sesudah TO-SI.
Hasil: Penelitian dilakukan pada 36 subjek, 38,9% berusia 3 tahun diikuti usia 2 tahun
(33,3%), rasio lelaki dibandingkan perempuan 3 : 1. Sebelum TO-SI, perilaku positif
berada pada kategori rendah. Setelah TO-SI, terdapat peningkatan bermakna domain
komunikasi, subdomain ekspresif, reseptif dan tertulis (p<0,001; p<0,001; p<0,001; p
0,035) terutama pada kelompok usia 2-4 tahun. Domain sosialisasi, subdomain hubungan
interpersonal serta subdomain waktu luang dan bermain juga meningkat bermakna (p
0.001; p<0.001; p,0.001) terutama pada kelompok usia 2 tahun. Tidak terdapat
peningkatan bermakna pada subdomain kemampuan coping, serta domain dan subdomain
keterampilan aktivitas harian.
Kesimpulan: Kami menemukan bahwa TO-SI dengan kepatuhan teori Ayres yang baik
dalam 60 menit, dua kali seminggu selama 12 minggu dapat meningkatkan perilaku
positif anak GSA usia dini terutama usia 2 hingga 5 tahun

Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental
disorder in social communication, interaction, and restrictive, repetitive pattern of
behavior (including sensory disorder). Sensory processing disorder yields difficulty in
regulating responses to sensation and spesific stimuli which limits the ability to
participate in normal life routines. Sensory integration occupational therapy (SI-OT) is a
method to increase ability to process and integrate sensory information. Most studies
showed that SI-OT has low to moderate evidence in older children. Based on clinical
experience of Pusponegoro, SI-OT might be useful for ASD treatment for children under
5 years old. We conducted a study to evaluate the effect of SI-OT in improving positive
behavior of children aged 2 to 5 years old with ASD.
Methods: A pre-post one group pre-experimental study conducted in Check My Child
clinic (CMC) and Klinik Anakku Kelapa Gading on March-October 2019. Study
population were recently diagnosed ASD children aged 2 to 5 years old. Subjects were
collected with consecutive sampling. The SI-OT were applied twice a week for 12 weeks
(24 times), 60 minutes for each session. Pre and post SI-OT evaluation of positive
behavior profiles were assessed with Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale-II tool.
Results: A total of 36 ASD subjects aged 2 to 5 years old were studied. Most subjects
were 3 years old followed by 2 years old (38.9%; 33.3%), boys to girl ratio were 3 to 1.
The characateristics of positive bahaviors were all in low category before SI-OT. After
SI-OT, communication domain and subdomains (expressive, receptive, written
subdomain) were improved significantly (p<0.001; p<0.001; p<0.001; p 0.035). These
improvement were available in age group of 2,3, and 4 years old. Significant
improvements were also achieved in socialization domain (p 0.001) including
interpersonal relationship subdomain (p<0.001), play and leisure time sudomain
(p<0.001), especially in age group of 2 years old. In contrary, subdomain coping skill,
daily living skills domain and subdomains were not improving significantly.
Conclusions: Good fidelity of Ayres theory SI-OT in 60 minutes, twice a week for 12
weeks could improve positive behavior, in communication domain (expressive, receptive,
written subdomain) aged 2-4 years old, and socialization domain (interpersonal
relationship, play and leisure time) aged 2 years old."
2020: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Anindia Anugrah Putri
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi kemampuan perawat pada anak dengan gangguan spektrum autisme (GSA) yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan teknik total sampling menggunakan sampel 59 perawat dari rawat inap anak, unit thalasemia, serta ruang bedah anak di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Instrumen yang digunakan Survey. Brachlow5 milik Allison Golnik tahun 2009 dengan perubahan demografi sesuai kebutuhan populasi di Indonesia.
Hasil penelitian antara lain persentase usia muda 54,2%, perempuan 91,5%, jenjang pendidikan D3 78%, pengalaman kerja kurang dari 5 tahun 39%, lokasi ruangan rawaat inap 57,6%, tidak pernah training 98,3%, tingginya kapasitas perawat 55,9%, tingginya kapasitas perawat 58,8%, tingginya pengetahuan perawat 57,1%, tingginya kepercayaan orang tua 100%, hambatan perawat 59,3% mengaku kurangnya pendidikan mengenai gangguan spektrum autisme. Saran dari penelitian antara lain diadakan training pada perawat di rumah sakit serta penambahan ilmu mengenai GSA di instansi pendidikan.

The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the ability of nurses in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were hospitalized. This study was a descriptive analysis using cross sectional method with a total sampling technique using samples of 59 nurses from the children’s inpatient, thalassemia unit, as well as the child's surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Instruments used Survey.Brachlow5 owned by Allison Golnik (2009) with the changing demographics of the population in Indonesia as needed.
The results of the study include the percentage of young age of 54.2%, 91.5% female, 78% diploma degree, work experience of less than 5 years of 39%, the location of the children’s inpatient was 57.6%, 98.3% said never training, the high capacity of nurses 55.9%, 58.8% of high source of knowledge, nurse 57.1% high knowledge, high trust of parents 100% , barrier 59.3% of nurses admitted lack of education about autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions of research are conducted training to nurses in hospitals as well as the addition of knowledge about the ASD in educational institutions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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