Latar Belakang: Perilaku abberant sering terdapat pada pasien GSA. Salah satu kuesioner yang bisa digunakan untuk menilai perilaku abberant adalah kuesioner ABC-C 2017. Kuesioner ABC-C 2017 mengukur 5 domain perilaku abberant (iritabilitas, penarikan diri secara sosial, perilaku stereotipik, hiperaktivitas/ ketidakpatuhan dan pola bicara yang tidak tepat) pada anak dan remaja dengan diagnosis GSA, saat ini belum ada versi Bahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang untuk menilai kesahihan dan keandalan kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia. Kesahihan isi dihitung menggunakan Content Validity Index for Items (I-CVI) dan Content Validity Index for Scales (S-CVI). Uji keandalan konsistensi internal dihitung menggunakan Cronbach alpha. Penelitian ini juga menilai proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan 5 domain kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia, pada anak dan remaja dengan GSA di Poliklinik Jiwa Anak dan Remaja RSCM.
Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai I-CVI dan S-CVI kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia sebesar 0,917, sehingga kesahihan isi kuesioner ini dinilai baik. Hasil keandalan konsistensi internal baik sampai excellent dengan nilai Cronbach’s alpha untuk masing-masing domain iritabilitas 0,938; penarikan diri secara sosial 0,936; perilaku stereotipik 0,930; hiperaktivitas, ketidakpatuhan 0,949 dan domain pola bicara yang tidak tepat 0,869. Proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan penilaian 5 domain kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia, pada anak dan remaja dengan GSA di Poliklinik Jiwa Anak dan Remaja RSCM, didapatkan hasil, domain iritabilitas derajat ringan sebesar 70,6%; penarikan diri secara sosial derajat ringan 72,5%; perilaku stereotipik 100% derajat ringan; hiperaktivitas/ketidakpatuhan derajat sedang 47,1%, dan pola bicara yang tidak tepat 100% derajat ringan. Proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan usia dan jenis kelamin juga didominasi derajat ringan, kecuali domain hiperaktivitas/ketidakpatuhan derajat sedang. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik, proporsi perilaku abberant berdasarkan usia dan jenis kelamin anak.
Kesimpulan: Kuesioner ABC-C 2017 versi Bahasa Indonesia dapat dipakai di Indonesia untuk penelitian selanjutnya, mendeteksi 5 domain perilaku abberant pada pasien GSA dan sebagai modul pendidikan bagi tenaga kesehatan.
Background: Abberant behavior is often found in ASD patients. One of the questionnaires that can be used to assess abusive behavior is the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire. The 2017 ABC-C questionnaire measures 5 domains of abberant behavior (irritability, social withdrawal, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity/non-compliance and inappropriate speech patterns) in children. and adolescents with a diagnosis of ASD, currently there is no Indonesian version.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design to assess the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire. Content validity was calculated using the Content Validity Index for Items (I-CVI) and the Content Validity Index for Scales (S-CVI). Internal consistency reliability test was calculated using Cronbach alpha. This study also assessed the proportion of abusive behavior based on the 5 domains of the Indonesian version of the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire, in children and adolescents with ASD at the Children and Adolescent Mental Polyclinic RSCM.Results: The results of the analysis show that the I-CVI and S-CVI scores of the 2017 ABC-C Indonesian version of the questionnaire are 0.917, so the validity of the contents of this questionnaire is considered good. The results of the reliability of internal consistency are good to excellent with Cronbach's alpha value for each irritability domain 0.938; social withdrawal 0.936; stereotypic behavior 0.930; hyperactivity, non-compliance 0.949 and inappropriate speech pattern domain 0.869. The proportion of abnormal behavior based on the assessment of the 5 domains of the 2017 ABC-C questionnaire in Indonesian version, in children and adolescents with ASD at the Child and Adolescent Mental Polyclinic RSCM, the results obtained, the domain of mild irritability was 70.6%; mild social withdrawal 72.5%; 100% mild stereotypic behavior; moderate degree of hyperactivity/non-compliance is 47.1%, and inappropriate speech is 100% mild. The proportion of abberant behavior based on age and gender was also dominated by mild degrees, except for the moderate degree of hyperactivity/non-compliance domain. There was no statistically significant difference, the proportion of abusive behavior based on the age and sex of the child.Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the ABC-C 2017 Questionnaire can be used in Indonesia for further research, detecting 5 domains of abnormal behavior in ASD patients and as an education module for health workers.