"[Tesis ini membahas pemaknaan kasus pedofilia oleh khalayak ibu. Penelitian inivadalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan konstruktivis. Metode pemilihan narasumber menggunakan teknik criterion sampling dimana kriteria narasumber sudah ditentukan lebih dahulu. Narasumber penelitian ini adalah tiga orang ibu dengan latar belakang penegak hukum, pendidik dan ibu rumah tangga. Metode
pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara semi-terstruktur. Metode analisa data dilakukan dengan dua cara. Encoding media diperoleh dengan bantuan analisis framing sederhana menggunakan metode framing Entman, sementara decoding
khalayak dianalisis menggunakan teori encoding-decoding Stuart Hall dengan menggolongkan pemaknaan ibu menjadi dominan, negosiasi, dan oposisi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pemaknaan kaum ibu mengenai pedofilia dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman, informasi yang dimiliki tentang kasus pedofilia di lingkungan terdekat dan frekuensi waktu kebersamaan dengan anak;This thesis discusses the purport of pedophilia cases by the mothers. This research is a qualitative research with the constructivist approach. The method of source selection applied criterion sampling techniques where the source criteria had been determined before. The sources were three mothers with background of a law enforcement agency, an educator and a housewife. The method of data collection in this research was gained by the in-depth interviews with the semi-structured interview guidelines. The method of data analysis was done in two ways. Encoding media was achieved by the assistance of simple framing analysis through the Entman’s framing methods, while the decoding of the audience was
analyzed by the Stuart Hall’ theory of encoding and decoding to classify the purport of the mothers, such as dominant, negotiations, and opposition. The results of this research concluded that the purport of the mothers about pedophilia was influenced by the experience, information about pedophilia cases in the nearby environment and frequency of quality time with the children., This thesis discusses the purport of pedophilia cases by the mothers. This research
is a qualitative research with the constructivist approach. The method of source
selection applied criterion sampling techniques where the source criteria had been
determined before. The sources were three mothers with background of a law
enforcement agency, an educator and a housewife. The method of data collection
in this research was gained by the in-depth interviews with the semi-structured
interview guidelines. The method of data analysis was done in two ways.
Encoding media was achieved by the assistance of simple framing analysis
through the Entman’s framing methods, while the decoding of the audience was
analyzed by the Stuart Hall’ theory of encoding and decoding to classify the
purport of the mothers, such as dominant, negotiations, and opposition. The
results of this research concluded that the purport of the mothers about pedophilia
was influenced by the experience, information about pedophilia cases in the
nearby environment and frequency of quality time with the children]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015