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Tri Alvian Machwana
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai pentingnya pembatasan nominal utang sebagai syarat dalam permohonan Pailit dan PKPU di Indonesia. Untuk itu dalam rangka mengetahui pentingnya penerapan pembatasan nominal utang dalam permohonan Pailit dan PKPU, maka pentingnya juga dibahas jenis dan metode penerapan pembatasan nominal utang yang diterapkan di beberapa negara. Tesis ini disusun dengan metode penulisan hukum normative untuk menghasilkan data yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian ini meyimpulkan bahwa prosedur permohonan Pailit dan PKPU di Indonesia hanya berdasarkan kepada Pasal 2 ayat (1) sebagai syarat diajukan pailit dan juga terpenuhinya suatu pembuktian sederhana yang berdasarkan pada ketentuan Pasal 8 ayat (4) Undang – Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 sehingga dengan syarat tersebut tidak dapat dipungkiri jika permohonan pailit lebih mudah untuk dimohonkan. Dengan demikian untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan sutau instrument pembatasan nominal utang sebagai syarat dalam permohonan Pailit dan PKPU di Indonesia.
.....This thesis discusses the importance of limiting nominal debt as a condition in bankruptcy and PKPU applications in Indonesia. For this reason, in order to know the importance of implementing nominal debt restrictions in Bankruptcy and PKPU, it is also important to discuss the types and methods of applying nominal debt restrictions applied in several countries. This thesis is compiled by the method of writing normative laws to produce data that is descriptive analytical. The results of this study imply that the procedure for applying for Bankruptcy and PKPU in Indonesia is only based on Article 2 paragraph (1) as a condition for filing for bankruptcy and also the fulfillment of a simple proof based on the provisions of Article 8 paragraph (4) of Law Number 37 of 2004 so that with this condition it cannot be denied that the bankruptcy application is easier to request. Thus, to overcome this problem, it is necessary to limit the nominal debt as a condition."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvina Giove Renata
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perlindungan hukum bagi Kurator dan Pengurus yang dituduh melakukan perbuatan pidana dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya dengan menganalisis kesesuaian putusan nomor 939/Pid.B/2014/PN.Sby. dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, dan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, dimana Terdakwa dalam perkara tersebut merupakan Pengurus PT Surabaya Agung Industri Pulp Kertas PT SAIP yang telah pailit karena berakhirnya masa PKPU Sementara tanpa adanya kesepakatan perdamaian ataupun pemberian PKPU Tetap pada debitor. Dalam kasus ini, Pengurus PT SAIP Dalam PKPU Sementara dilaporkan atas tuduhan pidana melakukan perbuatan memalsukan dan atau menggunakan surat palsu serta memasukkan keterangan palsu dalam akta otentik terkait dengan adanya tagihan kreditor yang dibantah oleh Pengurus. Skripsi ini disusun dengan metode penulisan hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Putusan Nomor 939/Pid.B/2014/PN.Sby. yang membebaskan Terdakwa Pengurus dari PT SAIP telah sesuai dengan ketentuan perlindungan hukum bagi kurator dan pengurus dengan membebaskan Pengurus dari PT SAIP karena tidak terbukti melakukan tindakan pidana yang dituduhkan Namun, masih terdapat langkah yang belum ditempuh untuk melindungi kurator dan pengurus dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya, yaitu melakukan Renvoi Prosedur. Hendaknya, aparat hukum dan seluruh pihak dalam perkara PKPU dan Kepailitan dapat lebih memahami tugas dan kewenangan yang dimiliki Kurator dan Pengurus sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 dan mengoptimalkan segala upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam Perkara Kepailitan dan PKPU untuk menghindari peristiwa pelaporan tindakan pidana pada Kurator dan Pengurus yang menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya.

This thesis covered the issue on the legal protection to Curator and Administrators of the Company whose under the allegation of criminal act in Carrying Their Duty and Authority by analyzing the compliance of Award Number 939 Pid.B 2014 PN.Sby with Law Number 37 Year 2004 on Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation, Criminal Code, and Civil Code, wherein the Defendant on the aforementioned case is the Administrators of PT Surabaya Agung Industri Pulp Kertas ldquo PT SAIP rdquo who is already insolvent due to the expiration of the period of Temporary Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation, without any settlement or any issuance of Permanent Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation. In this case, Administrators of PT SAIP in the Temporary Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation is reported for a criminal act for doing a fabrication act and or the usage of a fabricated letter and the insertion of false information on the authentic deed on debtor rsquo s demand of payment, all of which is refuted by the Administrators. This thesis is prepared by normative legal writing method.. This thesis concludes that the Award Number 939 Pid.B 2014 PN.Sby which has rendered the award in favor of the Defendant the Administrators of PT SAIP , for the Court cannot prove the alleged criminal act. Nonetheless, there are still steps to be taken to protect the Curator and Administrators in carrying out their duty and authority, which is to proceed with the Renvoi Procedure. The legal apparatus and all parties concerned in the Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation shall comprehends all of the curator and administartor rsquo s duties and authorities regarding the Law Number 37 Year 2004 more and optimizes all foreseeable steps to be taken in the case of Insolvency and Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation to prevent the allegation of criminal act for curator and administrator when they cary their duty and authority."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farih Romdoni Putra
"Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi hal-hal yang perlu direformulasi dalam ketentuan penundaan kewajiban pembayaran utang (“PKPU”) dalam Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (“UU Kepailitan 2004”) agar kreditor dan debitor diberikan perlindungan yang seimbang. Secara spesifik penelitian ini fokus pada permasalahan pengajuan PKPU oleh kreditor, kedudukan kreditor separatis dan kreditor preferen dalam perdamaian, dan pembatalan perdamaian yang telah disahkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketentuan PKPU dalam UU Kepailitan 2004 lebih cenderung melindungi kreditor daripada debitor. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dan perbandingan dengan hukum kepailitan Belanda, Singapura, dan Amerika Serikat, maka perlu dilakukan perubahan terhadap UU Kepailitan 2004 atas hal-hal sebagai berikut: (i) penambahan syarat bagi kreditor yang hendak mengajukan PKPU; (ii) pengaturan cramdown, (iii) hak suara kreditor preferen terhadap rencana perdamaian; dan (iv) pengaturan tentang pembatalan perdamaian perlu disesuaikan agar kelalaian pelaksanaan perdamaian tidak harus berujung pada kepailitan serta memberi kesempatan agar perdamaian dapat diubah berdasarkan kesepakatan para pihak dengan tetap di bawah pengawasan pengadilan niaga.

This research aims at identifying matters needed to be reformed in the suspension of debt payment obligations (“PKPU”) in Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations ("Bankruptcy Law 2004") so creditors and debtors have equal protection. Specifically, this research focused on the problem of PKPU's petition by creditors, the position of separatist creditors and preferred creditors in the plan, and the termination of a confirmed plan. This research was conducted using a normative juridical research method with a comparative approach. Results of this study indicated that the regulation of PKPU in Bankruptcy Law 2004 tends to protect creditors than debtors. Based on this research and the comparison with bankruptcy law in the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States of America, Bankruptcy Law 2004 needs to be reformed on the following matters: (i)  the requirement of creditors who can submit PKPU petition; (ii) the regulation of cramdown; (ii) the voting rights of preferred creditors to composition plan; and (iv) the regulation of plan termination need to be reformed so that the failure of plan implementation doesn't have to end with bankruptcy, and also a chance to modify a confirmed plan based on the agreement of all parties under the supervision of a commercial court."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Suyatno
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2012
332.75 ANT p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Aghnesia
"Pemenuhan Upah dan Hak-hak lainnya dari Buruh sebagai Utang Debitur Pailit yang tidak didahulukan dalam pembayarannya. Apabila meninjau pengaturan pasal 95 (4) Undang-Undang Nomor 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, mengatur bahwa upah dan hak lainnya dari buruh harus didahulukan dari piutang kreditur lainnya. Namun, terdapat juga Undang-Undang lain, seperti Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, Undang-Undang Nomor 37 tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang, Undang-Undang Nomor 8 tahun 1983 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan yang telah diubah menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 28 tahun 2007 dan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 18/PUU-VI/2008. Atas dasar kedudukan buruh yang sangat rentan tersebut serta perundang-undangan yang tidak satu-kesatuan, sehingga diperlukan peran Hakim yang mengadili perkara pailit dan Pemerintah dalam menjamin terpenuhinya utang debitur pailit terhadap buruh.

Today, Fulfillment protection of worker?s salary and worker?s rights as a debtor?s debt in bankruptcy is not a priority for a debtor to pay. If we look at article 95 (4) Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, explain that worker?s salary and its other rights must be prioritized from other creditor?s claim. But, there is other Undang-Undang like Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, Undang-Undang No. 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pmebayaran Utang, Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1983 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata cara Perpajakan which have been renewed by Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 2007 and Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 18/PUU-VI/2008. Because of a weak bargaining position of a worker?s claim and the uncertainty of law itself, a judge who examine a bankruptcy case and government itself hold important role in fulfilling the worker?s claim of his salary and his other rights."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Waheed Prajadisastra
"The motivation behind this research is rather a glance of the true purpose behind the meaning of suspension of payment obligations and the clear solution it's commonly faced with. Ever since man conceived of commerce, all entities concerned with trading are faced with the threat of a downfall, of lack of capital and/or resources to further its own end, thus is term bankruptcy. Since also the time of when the first corporations were set up in ancient Rome, the idea of a mechanism of a share or an ownership in which these primal system of trading were initiated, entities divide the ownership of these companies by means of a share or a stock. Thereby, those possessing capital may become investors in which they partake an involvement in the trading activity of the company they invested in through capital contributions. While it is the most acknowledged and upstanding of concept in the business world, shares were specifically and are legally set up in order for it to perform in a much more refined and adoptable way throughout time.
As the cornerstone of commercial activity and/or early forms of corporate finance, shares are regarded as a payment obligation that a corporation must fulfill to their holders. Hence, the concept of shares are closely linked with that of bankruptcy. This research proposes a clear solution to the challenges that many businesses today are faced with in terms of bankruptcy. Whether or not it is worth converting debts into shares, of course, lies in the decision that were made between the conflicting parties. However, the fact that such action truly present a solution to their problem remain specifically and objectively to the benefits that each party obtains.
This research approaches the problem through the case study of suspension of payment obligation to prevent the bankruptcy of P.T. Bakrie Telecom Tbk. that was presented by P.T. Netwave Multi Media and were decided that the debts be converted into shares. In a long run, the decisions that were made seem solid, as if all debts were to be fulfilled on specified time. However, there are assumptions as well as the probability whereby such time extension may prove to be quite risky and are frivolous in nature. This research thus seeks to enlighten the fact that the court of law fully supports the legality and the solidity of the conversion of debts into shares and how suspension of payment obligation may well benefit both parties, the debtor as well as the creditor, in the long run."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ananda Fathima Awanis
"Penulisan Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan mengenai kewenangan (legal standing) Pemegang Polis dalam hal pengajuan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU). Pasal 223 UUK-PKPU hanya memberikan kewenangan untuk mengajukan permohonan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU) kepada Menteri Keuangan. Namun sejak lahirnya Undang-Undang tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), sesuai dengan amanat Pasal 55 ayat (1) UU OJK, kewenangan Menteri Keuangan beralih seluruhnya ke Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, termasuk untuk hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan masalah kepailitan dan PKPU. Penegasan kewenangan OJK untuk mengajukan kepailitan dan/atau PKPU tersebut juga diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 50 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Perasuransian jo. Pasal 52 ayat (1) POJK Nomor 28 Tahun 2015. Dalam Putusan Pengadilan Niaga Nomor 389.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN.Niaga.Jkt Pst, diketahui bahwa Termohon PKPU merupakan PT. Asuransi jiwa Kresna yang merupakan perusahaan asuransi dan Pemohonnya adalah Pemegang Polis Asuransi PT. Asuransi Jiwa Kresna. Namun, Majelis Hakim dalam amar putusannya menyatakan mengabulkan permohonan Penundaan Kewajiban Pemayaran Utang (PKPU) yang diajukan oleh Pemohon. Oleh karena hal tersebut, skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai kewenangan (legal standing) Pemegang Polis dalam mengajukan permohonan PKPU terhadap perusahaan asuransi sekaligus menganalisis dasar pertimbangan Majelis Hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan PKPU PT. Asuransi Jiwa kresna melalui analisis Putusan Pengadilan Niaga Nomor 389.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN.Niaga.Jkt Pst.

This thesis is motivated by the existence of problems regarding the authority (legal standing) of the Policyholder in terms of submitting a Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU). Article 223 UUK-PKPU only grants permission to apply for a Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) to the Minister of Finance. However, since the enactment of the Law on the Financial Services Authority (OJK), in accordance with the mandate of Article 55 paragraph (1) of the OJK Law, the authority of the Minister of Finance has shifted entirely to the Financial Services Authority, including matters relating to bankruptcy and PKPU. Article 50 paragraph (1) of the Insurance Law juncto also regulates the affirmation of OJK's authority to file for bankruptcy or PKPU. Article 52 paragraph (1) of POJK Number 28 of 2015. In the Decision of the Commercial Court Number 389.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN.Niaga.Jkt Pst, it is known that the Respondent for PKPU is PT. Kresna life insurance is an insurance company, and the applicant is the owner of the insurance policy of PT. Krishna Life Insurance. However, the Panel of Judges stated in their judgment that the Petitioner's application for the Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) was granted. Therefore, this thesis will discuss the authority (legal standing) of the Policyholder in submitting a PKPU application to an insurance company as well as analyzing the basis for the consideration of the Panel of Judges in the PKPU decision of PT. Krishna Life Insurance through the analysis of the Commercial Court Decision Number 389.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN.Niaga.Jkt Pst."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aritonang, Nestia
"Pada skripsi ini, penulis melakukan analisis mengenai perlindungan hukum dan upaya hukum debitor setelah pembatalan pernyataan pailit debitor atas harta pailit yang telah dieksekusi oleh Kurator. Hasil penulisan menyimpulkan bahwa setelah pembatalan putusan pailit, debitor tidak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum atas harta pailit yang telah dieksekusi oleh Kurator, kecuali terhadap harta pailit yang merupakan harta utama yang digunakan untuk meneruskan kegiatan usaha debitor. Debitor juga tidak dapat melakukan upaya hukum maupun mengajukan gugatan untuk mendapatkan kembali harta pailit yang telah dieksekusi oleh Kurator, sepanjang kurator melakukan pemberesan sesuai batas kewenangan yang diberikan oleh Undang-Undang No. 37 Tahun 2004. Karena pemberesan harta pailit yang telah dilakukan oleh kurator sebelum atau pada tanggal kurator menerima pemberitahuan tentang putusan pembatalan adalah tetap sah dan mengikat debitor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif.

In this study, writer analyze legal protection and legal remedy for debtor after the Annulment of bankruptcy verdict of bankrupt debtor over the bankruptcy assets which have been executed by the curator. The result concluded that after the annulment of Bankruptcy verdict, debtor don't get the legal protection over the assets which have been executed by the curator, except to the bankruptcy asset which is the main property that is used to continue debtor's business. Debtor also can't do legal remedy or file lawsuit to get back the bankcruptcy assets which have been executed by the curator, as long as the curator do the settlement of bankruptcy assets within the scope of its authority which is given by the Law of Repbulic of Indonesia Number 37 Year 2004. Because the settlement of the bankcruptcy assets that has been taken by the curator before or on the date on which the curator receives notice of the annulment shall remain valid and binding upon the debtor. The research methods is library research based on normative juridical approach.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardy Putra
"Debitor yang dinyatakan pailit haruslah memenuhi seluruh syarat yuridis kepailitan sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004. Namun dalam kasus PT. Hendratna Plywood, salah satu syarat yuridis kepailitan tidak terpenuhi, namun majelis hakim tetap menyatakan PT. Hendratna Plywood pailit dengan segala pertimbangan hukumnya. Penelitian yang dilakukan secara yuridis normatif ini memperoleh kesimpulan bahwa majelis hakim kurang tepat dalam menerapkan norma-norma hukum dalam putusan serta beberapa pertimbangan hukumnya. Sehingga hendaknya majelis hakim dalam memutus suatu perkara lebih cermat dalam menerapkan norma-norma hukum yang berlaku agar dapat tercipta suatu kepastian hukum dan tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan pranata dan lembaga kepailitan oleh Kreditor.

The debtor declared bankrupt must fulfill all the bankruptcy jurisdiction requirements as stated in Law No. 37 of 2004. However, in the case of PT. Hendratna Plywood, one of the the bankruptcy jurisdiction requirements is unfulfilled, but the judges still declared PT. Hendratna Plywood bankrupt with all the legal considerations. This research, which was conducted using normative juridical method concludes that the judges were less precise in applying legal norms in the decision as well as some legal considerations. Thus, in deciding the case, the judges should be more careful in applying the legal norms applicable in order to create legal certainty a..."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruth Maria Rentyna
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai permohonan PKPU atas diri PT. DRI yang diajukan oleh Bank Mandiri selaku Kreditur pemegang hak jaminan pada saat berlangsungnya proses gugatan sengketa nilai tukar dollar untuk pinjaman investasi yang diberikan oleh Bank Mandiri. Proses PKPU kemudian berakhir pada kepailitan kendati PT. DRI dapat membuktikan bahwa dirinya telah melaksanakan kewajibannya kepada kreditur. Prosedural permohonan PKPU dan Kepailitan dari PT. DRI dilakukan sesuai dengan Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU namun terdapat kejanggalankejanggalan dalam proses pelaksanaannya, salah satu kejanggalan tersebut adalah pemblokiran rekening PT DRI oleh Pengurus sehingga PT DRI tidak dapat mengakses rekening untuk kepentingan pembayaran seluruh biaya operasional dan gaji pegawai. Hingga tahun 2013, PT DRI masih melakukan upaya hukum terkait putusan pailit yang dijatuhkan kepada dirinya dan penjaminnya. Penelitian menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu dibentuk suatu lembaga independen yang khusus mengawasi proses PKPU dan kepailitan serta mengawasi kinerja Kurator, mengingat bahwa Hakim Pengawas tidak sepenuhnya bekerja untuk mengawasi proses PKPU dan Kepailitan; Peranan PPATK perlu diperluas sampai dengan taraf dimana kasus-kasus yang terjadi sebelum PPATK didirikan dapat diperiksa; Bank Indonesia perlu membuat sebuah badan internal yang berfungsi menerima dan memeriksa laporan dari masyarakat terkait kerugian yang ditanggung oleh masyarakat karena kelalaian bank; Perlu penambahan syarat keadaan insolvensi dan jumlah minimum hutang untuk dapat mengajukan permohonan PKPU; Perlunya diatur tugas dan wewenang Pengurus dan Kurator yang detail didalam Undang-undang Kepailitan dan PKPU.

This thesis focus in suspension of obligation for payment of debt petition upon PT DRI filed by Bank Mandiri as Preference Creditor-holder of security rights during lawsuit of dollar exchange rate granted by Mandiri Bank itself. PKPU process then ends in bankruptcy even though PT DRI carried out its obligations to Creditors. PKPU application procedures and bankruptcy of PT. DRI carried out in accordance with Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU but there are irregularities in the implementation process, one of these irregularities is blocking accounts by the Administrator so that PT DRI cannot access the account for the benefit of the entire payment of operating costs and salaries. Until the year 2013, PT DRI still take legal actions related to bankruptcy decision handed down to itself and its guarantor. This research is using normative juridical methodology and analytical descriptive. The research result to a suggestion where it is needed to set up an independent body who oversees the process of suspension of obligation for payment and bankruptcy also oversee the Receivers work performance, given that the Supervisory Judge not fully work to oversee the suspension of obligation for payment of debt and Bankruptcy. PPATK role needs to be expanded to the extent to which the cases occurred before PPATK set out. Bank Indonesia needs to make an internal body that serves to receive and investigate reports of the public related losses which borne by society due to the negligence of the bank; Need the addition of a state of insolvency requirement and the minimum amount of debt to be able to apply for suspension of obligation for payment of debt.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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