"[Setiap perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang bisnis tentunya menginginkan
agar perusahaannya sukses dan produk yang diperjualbelikannya diminati oleh
para konsumen. Untuk mencapai kesuksesan tersebut, tentunya sebuah perusahaan
harus memiliki strategi yang tepat dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Kaizen,
merupakan salah satu manajemen yang digunakan di hampir semua perusahaan
Jepang, tidak terkecuali Uniqlo. Bagaimanakah bentuk Kaizen yang ada dalam
perusahaan Jepang (Uniqlo) tersebut, dan pengaruh yang ada antara Kaizen
dengan kepuasan konsumen di Uniqlo tersebut, akan dibahas di dalam penelitian
ini.;Being a successful and getting its product to be a popular are the
aspirations of every company that engage in commercial business. Therefore, a
company must have an accurate strategy to keep the business work properly.
Kaizen is one of the management strategy that is being used in most of the
companies in Japan, this include Uniqlo. This research are about how does the
Kaizen work in Japanese company (Uniqlo), how it relates, and how it influences
the consumer satisfaction., Being a successful and getting its product to be a popular are the
aspirations of every company that engage in commercial business. Therefore, a
company must have an accurate strategy to keep the business work properly.
Kaizen is one of the management strategy that is being used in most of the
companies in Japan, this include Uniqlo. This research are about how does the
Kaizen work in Japanese company (Uniqlo), how it relates, and how it influences
the consumer satisfaction.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015