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Yusi Yustika
Penanganan kematian bayi merupakan salah satu target sasaran pemerintah dalam
pembangunan kesehatan jangka panjang. Sebagai indikator derajat kesehatan
masyarakat, kematian bayi dipengaruhi salah satunya oleh faktor layanan kesehatan.
Dalam penelitian ini faktor layanan kesehatan terdiri dari tenaga kesehatan sebagai
pemberi layanan kesehatan dan layanan kesehatan sendiri yaitu layanan kesehatan yang
diberikan pada ibu dan bayi sebagai bagian dari program KIA (kesehatan ibu dan anak)
yaitu pelayanan antenatal, persalinan ditolong tenaga kesehatan, dan penanganan
komplikasi neonatus. Hasil analisis data profil kesehatan Kota Serang tahun 2009 ?
2013 dengan menggunakan model regresi data panel menunjukan bahwa terdapat
hubungan signifikan negatif antara faktor layanan kesehatan dengan kematian bayi. Hal
ini berarti bahwa peningkatan jumlah tenaga kesehatan akan berpengaruh dalam
menurunkan kasus kematian bayi. Demikian juga halnya dengan peningkatan cakupan
pelayanan antenatal, persalinan ditolong tenaga kesehatan, dan penanganan komplikasi
neonatus akan berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kasus kematian bayi.;

Handling infant mortality is one of the government's target in long-term health
development. As an indicator to public health, one of the factors that affect infant
mortality is health service. In this study health service factors consist of health
personnel as a health care provider and health care itself namely the health care
provided to the mother and baby as part of the KIA program (mother and child health
program) i.e antenatal care, assisted delivery of health personnel, and management of
complications of neonatus. The results of the analysis from Serang City health profile
data in 2009-2013, using panel data regression model, shows that there is a negative
significant correlation between the health service factors with infant mortality. This
means that an increasing number of health workers will have an effect in reducing infant
deaths. Likewise, an increasing number in coverage of antenatal care, births assisted
health personnel, treatment of neonatal complications will affect to the decline in infant
death case., Handling infant mortality is one of the government's target in long-term health
development. As an indicator to public health, one of the factors that affect infant
mortality is health service. In this study health service factors consist of health
personnel as a health care provider and health care itself namely the health care
provided to the mother and baby as part of the KIA program (mother and child health
program) i.e antenatal care, assisted delivery of health personnel, and management of
complications of neonatus. The results of the analysis from Serang City health profile
data in 2009-2013, using panel data regression model, shows that there is a negative
significant correlation between the health service factors with infant mortality. This
means that an increasing number of health workers will have an effect in reducing infant
deaths. Likewise, an increasing number in coverage of antenatal care, births assisted
health personnel, treatment of neonatal complications will affect to the decline in infant
death case.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anhari Achadi
"Kematian ibu tidak hanya menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, tetapi juga menjadi masalah sosial karena akan berpengaruh besar terhadap keluarga, terutama anak- anak. Di negara maju dengan status sosial ekonomi yang tinggi kematian ibu telah turun mencapai tingkat minimal kurang dari 10 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Hal tersebut belum terjadi di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Di samping pertumbuhan ekonominya yang terus membaik, kematian ibu di Indonesia masih tergolong tinggi, bahkan di antara sesama negara Asia Tenggara. Berdasarkan data SDKI, telah terjadi penurunan angka kematian ibu, tetapi dengan penurunan seperti sekarang target Pembangunan Milenium tidak akan tercapai. Dari aspek demand, supply, maupun kebijakan, penurunan kematian ibu masih mengalami berbagai hambatan. Untuk mempercepat penurunan kematian ibu perlu dikembangkan kebijakan yang dapat mengatasi hambatan utama berupa kelangkaan petugas pelayanan kesehatan yang terampil, infrastuktur pelayanan kesehatan ibu yang belum memadai, kualitas pelayanan yang sub-standar, dan keengganan para ibu untuk menggunakan fasilitas pelayanan kebidanan karena biaya yang sangat tinggi dan pelayanan yang masih buruk atau karena masih lebih menyukai pelayanan dukun dengan berbagai alasan lingkungan yang spesifik. Dalam mempercepat penurunan kematian ibu, kebijakan dan manajemen di tingkat kabupaten berperan sangat menentukan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
613 KESMAS 4:4 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Kabupaten Merangin, Provinsi Jambi masih cukup tinggi sampai sekarang dibandingkan dengan kabupaten lain di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara perilaku kesehatan yang berupa: kunjungan ANC dan penolong persalinan pertama dengan kematian maternal di Kabupaten Merangin, Provinsi Jambi periode 2012 ? 2015 dengan menggunakan data Audit Maternal Perinatal atau AMP.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian case control yang terdiri dari 40 kasus dan 40 kontrol. Kelompok kasus adalah ibu yang mengalami kematian akibat kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas periode 2012 ? 2015 sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah ibu yang tidak mengalami kematian akibat kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas periode 2012 ? 2015.
Penelitian ini menemukan terdapat hubungan antara kunjungan ANC (OR=0,049 95% CI: 0,002 - 1,006) dan terdapat hubungan antara penolong persalinan pertama dengan kematian maternal (OR= 0,105, 95% CI: 0,012 - 0,908) setelah di kontrol dengan variabel riwayat penyakit kronik, riwayat obstetri, gravida, paritas, cara persalinan dan rujukan.

Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in Merangin Regency, Jambi Province is currently still rather high compared to the other regencies in Jambi Province. This research was conducted in order to observe the relationships between health behaviors in the form of: visitation from ANC and labor paramedics towards maternal mortality in Merangin Regency, Jambi Province period of 2012 ? 2015 by utilizing the Audit Maternal Perinatal data or AMP.
This research uses case control research design which is comprised by 40 cases and 40 controls. Included in the case group is mothers who experienced death due to pregnancy, childbirth and childbed period 2012 ? 2015 whereas the control group comprises of mothers who did not experience death by pregnancy, childbirth and childbed period 2012 - 2015.
This research found that there is no relationship between ANC visits (OR=0,049 95% CI: 0,002 - 1,006) and there is correlation between the labor paramedics towards maternal (OR= 0,105, 95% CI: 0,012 - 0,908) after being controlled with variables such as chronic disease history, obstetric history, gravida, parity, labor mode and reference.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyimes Presidiana Wardhani
Pendahuluan: Sebagian besar kematian ibu dapat dicegah jika kelahiran dilakukan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Wanita yang tidak dilibatkan dalam pengambilan keputusan menjadi hambatan dalam pemanfaatan layanan persalinan. Seringkali ibu hamil tidak dapat menentukan tempat persalinannya karena keputusan tersebut ditentukan suami, mertua atau anggota keluarga lainnya. Keterlambatan mengambil keputusan pada tingkat keluarga berdampak pada keterlambatan memperoleh pertolongan difasilitas kesehatan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara partisipasi wanita dalam mengambil keputusan di rumah tangga dengan pemilihan tempat persalinan berdasarkan analisis data Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2017.
Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan sumber data berasal dari data sekunder Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2017. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu wanita usia subur 15-49 tahun yang pernah melahirkan anak terakhir pada tahun 2012-2017 dengan data yang lengkap yakni 14.310 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi cox dan besar pengaruh dinyatakan dalam bentuk prevalensi rasio dengan confident interval (CI) 95%.
Hasil: Proporsi wanita yang melahirkan pada bukan fasilitas kesehatan sebesar 26,5%, dan sebanyak 30,7% wanita tidak dilibatkan dalam mengambil keputusan di rumah tangga. Setelah mengendalikan variabel tempat tinggal dan status ekonomi. wanita yang tidak berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan di rumah tangga memiliki risiko 1,633 (95%CI 1,531-1,741) kali untuk melahirkan di bukan fasilitas kesehatan dibandingkan wanita yang berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan di rumah tangga.
Kesimpulan: Wanita yang tidak berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan di rumah tangga berhubungan signifikan dengan persalinan di bukan fasilitas kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah perlu melakukan upaya promosi kesehatan mengenai hak-hak reproduksi wanita, kesetaraan gender, serta melakukan kajian mengenai daerah yang masih menyakini persalinan di dukun.

Background: Maternal mortality can be prevented by delivering in a health care facility. Women who are not involved in decision making are barriers to using health facilities. Pregnant women often cannot determine the place of delivery because the decision is determined by their husband, parents-in-law or other family members. The delays of decision-making at the family level results in delays in getting help at health facilities.
Objective: To determine the relationship between women's participation in household decision making with the selection of place of delivery based on analysis of the 2017 Indonesian Demographic Health Survey data.
Methods: Designs study was sross-sectional and data was obtained from the Indonesia Demographic Health Survey 2017. Sample was women of childbearing age 15-49 years who had given birth to the last child in 2012-2017 with complete data, total 14,310 respondents. Data were analyzed using Cox regression and the effect was expressed by prevalence ratio (PR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Results: The proportion of women giving birth in non-health facilities was 26.5%, and 30.7% of women were not involved in in household decision making. After controlling residence and economic status, women who did not participate in household decision making had a risk of 1,633 (1,531-1,741) times to give birth in non-health facilities compared to women who participated in household decision making.
Conclusion: Women who did not participate in household decision making were significantly related to deliveries in non-health facilities. Therefore, the government needs to promote women's reproductive, gender equality, and conduct a study of regions that still birth in dukun."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rise Nurhasanah
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh kehamilan tidak diinginkan terhadap kejadian kematian bayi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data sekunder hasil SDKI tahun 2012 yang mencakup 33 provinsi. Analisis dilakukan pada wanita usia subur yang melahirkan anak dalam 5 tahun terakhir sebelum survei. Variabel dalam analisis akan dibatasi pada wanita usia subur, anak terakhir dan tidak kembar. serta beberapa variabel kovariat seperti faktor maternal (wilayah tempat tinggal, pendidikan terakhir ibu, umur pada saat melahirkan, status ekonomi, jarak lahir, paritas dan komplikasi kehamilan), faktor gizi (ASI Segera), dan faktor pelayanan kesehatan (Imunisasi Tetanus Toxoid, pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, penolong persalinan dan kunjungan neonatal pertama (KN-1)).
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa kehamilan tidak diinginkan dapat dicegah dengan melakukan sosialisasi menyeluruh meliputi Komunikasi, Informasi, dan Edukasi (KIE) terhadap program Keluarga Berencana (KB); membuat kelompok pemberdayaan wanita; melakukan intervensi pra-konsepsi berupa pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi untuk siswa tingkat pendidikan menengah; mengarahkan ibu yang sudah melahirkan untuk menggunakan KB pasca-persalinan dengan MKJP (Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang); dan meningkatkan peran posyandu.

This thesis studies the influence of an unintended pregnancy on infant mortality in Indonesia by using secondary data from the Demographic and Health Survey in 2012 that covers 33 provinces. The analysis was performed in women of childbearing age who gave birth in the last 5 years prior to the survey. Variables in the analysis will be restricted to women of childbearing age, the last child and not twins. as well as variables covariates such as maternal factors (region of residence, last education of mothers, age of childbirth, economic status, birth interval, parity and pregnancy complications), nutritional factors (breast milk immediately), and Health Services factors (Tetanus Toxoid Immunization, antenatal care, give birth care, and first neo natal visit (KN-1)).
Results of the study suggest that unintended pregnancies can be prevented by socialization includes Communications, Information and Education for the Family Planning Program; create a group of women's empowerment; Pre-conception intervention in the form of reproductive health education for secondary level students; Directing mothers who had given birth to use post-natal Contraception with LTCM (Long-Term Contraceptive Methods); and enhance the role of Posyandu.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlaily Febriyuna
Salah satu tujuan pembangunan milenium dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan
2015 adalah mengurangi tingkat kematian balita hingga dua per tiga. Sampai
dengan saat ini, Indonesia telah berada pada jalur yang tepat dalam mencapai
target tersebut. Akan tetapi, perkembangan yang lambat pada penurunan kematian
bayi menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan perhatian lebih untuk meningkatkan
keselamatan pada bayi usia muda. Termotivasi oleh kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini
hendak mengidentifikasi determinan kematian bayi di Indonesia pada tahun 1997
sampai dengan 2012 menggunakan data Indonesia Demographic and Health
Survey (IDHS) periode ke 4, 5 dan 6. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan
untuk mengidentifikasi eksternalitas yang dapat diperoleh dari investasi pada
pendidikan ibu, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai pada sumber air minum dan
sanitasi, serta vaksinasi anak di lingkungan sekitar rumah tangga. Kerangka
konseptual dari penelitian ini didasarkan pada kerangka teoritis Mosley dan Chen
(1984). Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik untuk mengestimasi pengaruh
dari berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi kematian bayi.
Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor bio-demografis, yakni
karakteristik ibu dan anak adalah faktor kunci dalam memprediksi kematian bayi
di Indonesia. Bayi berjenis kelamin pria, anak kembar, ibu dengan tingkat
kelahiran tinggi, jarak kelahiran yang pendek antar bayi, usia ibu diatas 35 tahun,
dan komplikasi kehamilan merupakan faktor-faktor yang terbukti berhubungan
positif dengan kematian bayi. Faktor perilaku antara lain institusi kelahiran,
pengetahuan tentang cairan rehidrasi oral, dan praktek kontrasepsi merupakan
faktor-faktor penting yang memiliki hubungan negatif dengan kematian bayi.
Selain itu, higienitas pada tempat tinggal seperti ketersediaan sumber air minum
yang bersih, kepemilikan toilet pribadi, dan penggunaan material lantai yang
lebih baik juga merupakan faktor penting yang dapat meningkatkan status
ketahanan hidup bayi di Indonesia. Beberapa variabel sosio ekonomis juga
terbukti merupakan determinan penting dari tingkat kematian bayi di Indonesia.
Diantara berbagai jenis faktor tersebut, jumah anggota rumah tangga merupakan
faktor yang memiliki keterkaitan yang paling kuat dengan kematian bayi. Pada
level komunitas, regional Sumatra dan Kalimantan pada periode 2012 memiliki
tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
regional Jawa dan Bali sedangkan regional Sulawesi pada periode 2007 memiliki
tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih tinggi. Lebih lanjut, penelit ian ini
menemukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat pada program imunisasi pemerintah
nasional memberikan efek eksternalitas yang positif pada tingkat ketahanan hidup
bayi di Indonesia

Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015
is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in
achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on
infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to
improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study
attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997
and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities
which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and
sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual
framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to
estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality.
The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include
child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male
sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above
35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant
mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral
Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also
important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover,
household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private
toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase
infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found
to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various
factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant
mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have
lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds
of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that
immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on
infant survival status.
Relevance to Development Studies
Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also
reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including
mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature
suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed
Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has
been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress
in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify
factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved.
, Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015
is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in
achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on
infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to
improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study
attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997
and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities
which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and
sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual
framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to
estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality.
The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include
child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male
sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above
35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant
mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral
Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also
important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover,
household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private
toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase
infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found
to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various
factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant
mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have
lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds
of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that
immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on
infant survival status.
Relevance to Development Studies
Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also
reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including
mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature
suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed
Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has
been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress
in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify
factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"one of important applicatons in GIS is the ability to determine position of an address. In the past years there were significant improvement in finding address position by internet mapping APIs komersial dan internet services...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hery Winarsi
Purwokerto: Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, 2015
649.330 HER i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of perception's service quality and price on satisfaction and customer's loyalty at Shariah life insurance in Central Java Province. The popilation are Shariah life isurance staff the respondents are chosen by using accidental sampling techniques. The data collected from 140 respondents and analysed by statistical tool of structural equation modeling ( SEM). The result showed that : First, perception of service quality produced a positive significant impact on satisfaction. Second, satisfaction was positive and significantly associated with customer's loyalty. Third, the service quality was directly related customer's loyalty but the effect of service quality on customer's loyalty related service quality on customer's loyalty more than satisfaction as intervening variable with estimate value 0, 767 if compared the directly related service quality on loyalty , with value 0, 277 Theoretical found that the if compared the conventional serqual is a part from shariah insurance study , the Shariah insurance as an alternative for customer will be faithful to the religion norm in accordance with shariah principles. The empirical found that as shariah insurance customers, the customers have already executed the religion norm in accordance with Al.Quran at An-Nisa: 9 studies found that the society's interest to buy Shariah life insurance policy and the insurance commitment to the risk protecting are low, finaly the society commitment toward life insurance decreases."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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