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Dessy Rismawanharsih
"Penelitian ini membahas kebijakan-kebijakan kriminal di negara anggota ASEAN yaitu Brunei Darussalam, Filipina, Indonesia, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapura, dan Vietnam tentang perdagangan manusia dan perdagangan narkoba. Bermula dari fakta yang menggambarkan bahwa kawasan Asia Tenggara merupakan kawasan yang rentan terhadap ancaman transnational organized crimes atau yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai TOCs, terutama dalam bentuk perdagangan manusia dan perdagangan narkoba. Dalam lalu lintas perdagangan manusia, negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang tergabung dalam ASEAN ini tak hanya sebagai negara transit sebagaimana yang umum diketahui selama ini, namun juga sudah mengarah ke negara asal dan negara tujuan. Begitu pula dengan perdagangan narkoba dunia yang sudah mengidentifikasi keberadaan Segitiga Emas Asia Tenggara yaitu Laos, Myanmar, dan Thailand sebagai salah satu kawasan penghasil narkoba khususnya yang berjenis opium terbesar di dunia.
Menanggapi segala permasalahan itu, setiap negara anggota ASEAN merumuskan kebijakan kriminal pada taraf nasionalnya. Pembuatan kebijakan kriminal tak lepas dari lingkungan kebijakan itu sendiri seperti tingkat ekonomi dan demokrasi di samping juga ancaman TOCs terkait. Setelah kebijakan kriminal dibentuk, substansinya diimpelementasikan oleh stakeholders (pemangku kepentingan) yang termasuk di dalamnya adalah polisi sebagai agen penegak hukum.
This research is about criminal policy on human trafficking and drug trafficking in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam as the country members of ASEAN. It starts with the fact that the South-East Asia is the vulnerable region to transnational organized crimes threat, particularly human trafficking and drugs trafficking. In human trafficking cases, country members of ASEAN not only happen to be the transit countries but also as the origin and destination countries. Furthermore, countries in South-East Asia are also identified as the significant drugs producers. As we know, South-East Asia possed the infamous Golden Triangle which consists of Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand as the world major opium producers.Regarding the situation, each of ASEAN country members has their own criminal policy. The national criminal policy making is influenced by many factors such as economic and democracy rate within a country. Whenever the criminal policy is completely formed, there are stakeholders who implement it and police officers are one of the criminal policy stakeholders."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Sayed Fauzan Riyadi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Viandy Perdana Putra
"Tulisan ini membahas empat kasus perdagangan heroin di Kota New York, Amerika Serikat sebagai bentuk transnational organized crime. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah analisis data sekunder yang bersumber dari data lembaga dan berita online tentang perdagangan heroin transnasional di Kota New York. Analisis dalam tulisan ini menggunakan teori social embeddedness untuk menjelaskan hubungan sosial dan lingkungan sosial aktor dan kerangka konsep transnational organized crime untuk menjelaskan pola kejahatan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa aktor merupakan individu rasional yang melakukan perdagangan heroin karena menguntungkan secara materi hingga miliaran rupiah. Namun hal ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Perdagangan heroin merupakan aktivitas ilegal yang menyebabkan aktivitas ini penuh dengan resiko dan ketidakpastian. Kesamaan latar belakang sosial, seperti kewarganegaraan, jenis kelamin, dan umur menciptakan kepercayaan. Kepercayaan mengurangi resiko dan ketidakpastian pada perdagangan heroin transnasional. Pada perdagangan heroin transnasional juga ditemukan Asia Selatan sebagai wilayah yang mendominasi asal kewarganegaraan aktor dan di mana heroin berasal. Ditemukan juga pola aktivitas perdagangan heroin transnasional yang meliputi produksi, impor dan distribusi. Kesamaan modus operandi juga ditemukan pada sebagian besar kasus yang dikelompokan menjadi tahapan yang meliputi komunikasi/negosiasi, pengiriman sampel, komunikasi/negosiasi kembali, dan impor. Adapun reaksi penegak hukum pada setiap kasus menunjukan kesamaan, yaitu dengan dibentuknya operasi investigasi melalui pendekatan multi lembaga.
This paper discusses four cases of heroin trafficking in City of New York, United States as a form of transnational organized crime by focusing on the social relations of actors and crime patterns. The writing method in this paper is secondary data analysis derived from institutional data and news articles about the transnational heroin trade in City of New York. The analysis in this paper uses the theory of social embeddedness to explain social relations and the social environment of actors and the framework of the concept of transnational organized crime to explain patterns of crime.. The results of the analysis shows that the actor is a rational individual who trades heroin because it is materially profitable up to billions of rupiah. But this cannot stand alone. The heroin trade is an illegal activity which makes this activity full of risk and uncertainty. Similarity in social background, such as nationality, gender, and age creates trust. Trust reduces risk and uncertainty in the transnational heroin trade. In the transnational heroin trade, South Asia is also found as the region that dominates the origin of the actor's nationality and where heroin originates. The pattern of transnational heroin trading activity was also found which includes production, import and distribution. The same modus operandi was also found in most of the cases which were grouped into stages which included communication/negotiation, giving samples, re-communicating/re-negotiating, and importing. The reactions of law enforcement in each case show similarities, namely the establishment of an investigative operation through a multi institutional approach."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research discusses about phenomenon of clandestine laboratory in
Indonesia. This study starts from the background problems which found that clandestine laboratory producing ecstasies and methamphetamine in some regions of Indonesia. This issue then makes author interested to discuss deeper about the production of illegal drugs at clandestine laboratory that revealed in Indonesia.
This research tries to describe about the pattern of clandestine laboratory in Indonesia and the factors that will encourage the clandestine laboratory?s development in Indonesia. This study also aims to identify the clandestine laboratory activity as one form of transnational organized crime?s spread after globalization. This is a descriptive qualitative research, where the data was collected by using case files, and structured interviews. This research is conducted by analyzing files of clandestine laboratory cases that occurred in Indonesia in last five years.
The results of this research answers questions about what factors encourage the development of clandestine laboratory in Indonesia. These factors are, the easiness to obtain chemicals, chemical devices, and also cooperation with foreign syndicates, which often employ drugs designer to produce illegal drugs. This research concludes that the clandestine laboratory can be developed in Indonesia because the
perpetrator?s accesses to get basic chemicals drugs maker (precursor) are very easy, the use of controlled legal chemicals are leak frequently and it was used to make drugs, free sales of supporting chemical devices, and involvement of foreign drugs designer to teach how to make drugs.
The results of this study tell that clandestine laboratory will continue to increase if the minimization of the perpetrator access to produce the drugs done as early as possible. Certainly, the phenomenon of clandestine laboratory can be minimized, at least to suppress the circulation of drugs in Indonesia itself. "
[Departemen Kriminologi. FISIP UI, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia], 2010
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library