Diabetes mellitus is one of the world's health problems where the incidence, complications and mortality are higher in the elderly group than in the younger age group. The prevalence of type II diabetes mellitus in the elderly continues to increase. Diabetes mellitus requires attention in the care of patients and their families. Family support and social support are an important part for DM elderly in improving self-management as an effort to control blood sugar levels. The aim is to provide an overview of the implementation of the MADURASA DIABETES (Diabetes Elderly Support Management) program as an innovation in community nursing care to improve self-care behavior in the diabetic group. The implementation of the MADURASA DIABETES intervention was carried out on families and communities in the Curug sub-district, Depok City for 6 months. The results of the evaluation showed that there was a change in behavior, a decrease in stress values ââand a decrease in temporary blood sugar (GDS) in diabetes. There were significant changes in the diabetes group (n=35) before and after the intervention in behavior (p<0.05), stress scores (p<0.05) and GDS (p<0.05). as well as increasing family independence. The MADURASA DIABETES program is expected to be implemented by nurses as one of the strategies for implementing the public health care program (PERKESMAS) in the scope of primary health services.
Populasi lansia yang semakin meningkat berkaitan dnegan masalah kesehatan yang dapat muncul, salah satunya adalah kejadian jatuh menyebabkan cedera. Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha (PSTW) Budi Mulia 01 Cipayung merupakan lembaga pelayanan yang berada di bawah naungan Dinas Sosial pemerintah provinsi DKI Jakarta yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup lansia. Masalah keperawatan yang umum ditemukan pada lansia adalah risiko jatuh. Karya ilmiah Ners bertujuan untuk menganalisis asuhan keperawatan pada lansia dengan intervensi unggulan yaitu latihan berbasis Pilates. Intervensi ini dilaksanakan selama 6 minggu sebanyak 12 sesi pada tiga klien. Instrumen evaluasi yang digunakan yaitu tes Time Up and Go (TUG), tes Forward Reach, dan tes turn-180. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan klien mengalami peningkatan hasil tes TUG 24,12 menjadi 22,54; tes Forward reach 18 menjadi 20 cm; serta hasil tidak mengalami perubahan pada tes Turn-180 dengan hasil 4 langkah. Latihan berbasis Pilates ini diharapkan dapat dipraktikan sebagai salah satu aktivitas fisik lansia di panti.
Increasing elderly population is related to health problems that can arise, one of which is the occurrence of falls causing injury. Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha (PSTW) Budi Mulia 01 Cipayung is a service institution under the auspices of the DKI Jakarta provincial Social Service Office which aims to fulfill the needs of the elderly. Nursing problems commonly found in the elderly are the risk of falling. The final case study aims to analyze nursing care for the elderly with superior intervention, namely Pilates-based training. This intervention was carried out for 6 weeks in 12 sessions among three clients. The evaluation instruments used were the Time Up and Go (TUG) test, the Forward Reach test, and the 180-turn test. The results of the examination show that the client experienced an increase in TUG test results of 12.12 to 22.54; Forward reach test 18 cm to 20 cm; and the results did not change in the Turn-180 test with 4 steps. Pilates-based exercises were expected to be practiced as one of the physical activities of the elderly in the orphanage."