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"The policy of seed subsidy through seed producers is not effective.Lots of farmers are not using the encouraged labeled seeds because the price of subsidized seeds are relatively high and the quality of seeds produced by a number of producers is not well prepared as expected....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andin Nurita Sofiana
Kebijakan subsidi erat kaitannya dengan harga minyak dikarenakan keputusan
dalam kebijakan subsidi minyak tergantung pada fluktuasi harga minyak dunia.
Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis hubungan antara guncangan harga minyak
dengan variabel - variabel ekonomi makro termasuk faktor fiskal di Indonesia
tahun 1990 sampai dengan 2013. Penggunaan SVARX, Structural Autoregression
Model dengan penambahan variabel eksogen, menciptakan kemungkinan untuk
menganalisis interaksi dinamis antara variabel – variabel yang diestimasi. Analisis
impulse response menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi, dalam hal ini GDP
riil, merespon positif terhadap guncangan harga minyak dalam jangka pendek.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi merespon secara negatif terhadap guncangan harga minyak
pada kuartal keenam. Selain itu, otoritas fiskal dan moneter merespon guncangan
harga minyak dengan meningkatkan subsidi pemerintah dan tingkat bunga. Dalam
hal ini, respon dari pemerintah dengan melindungi perekonomian Indonesia dari
guncangan harga minyak melalui kebijakan fiskal dan moneter dinilai cukup
efektif. Di sisi lain, belanja pemerintah memberikan respon yang positif terhadap
guncangan subsidi minyak. Sementara itu, tingkat inflasi membutuhkan time lag
untuk merespon guncangan subsidi minyak dan memberikan respon positif setelah
kuartal kedua, GDP riil merespon secara positif terhadap guncangan subsidi
minyak. Hal ini berarti bahwa kebijakan subsidi mempengaruhi pertumbuhan
ekonomi secara positif meskipun harus dibiayai dengan menggunakan belanja
pemerintah yang tinggi.

There is a close relationship between oil price and subsidy spending since
decision in subsidy policy depends on the fluctuation of oil prices. This study
explores the relationship between oil price shocks and macroeconomic variables
including fiscal factors in Indonesia during 1990 – 2013. The use of Structural
Vector Autoregression Model with exogenous variables (SVARX) creates the
possibility to capture dynamic interactions between estimated variables. Impulse
response analysis shows that economic growth represented by real GDP responds
positively to oil price shocks in the short run. Negative response of economic
growth to oil price shocks appears after six quarters. Furthermore, fiscal and
monetary authorities respond to oil price shocks by increasing government
subsidy and interest rate. In this case, response from government by protecting
Indonesian economy from oil price shocks through fiscal and monetary policy
could be effective in the short run. On the other hand, government spending
responds positively to oil subsidy shocks. While inflation rate needs time lag in
order to respond oil subsidy shocks and responds positively after second quarter,
real GDP (in percentage change) responds directly and positively to oil subsidy
shocks. It could mean that subsidy policy temporarily affects economic growth
although it should be paid using high government expenditure."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Bantuan Langsung Tunai (Cash tranfer subsidy) was targeted to the poor for compensating the fuel price hike in 2005.In Kebumen Regency there was difference for perceptionor understanding and interest of policy actors in the implementation of cash Transfer Subsidy
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhi Azfar Tamin
"Sejak pemerintah memberlakukan kebijakan subsidi tetap untuk bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis solar, harga eceran solar bergerak secara cepat dan fluktuatif. Peraturan Presiden No.191 tahun 2014 tentang Penyediaan, Pendistribusian dan Harga Jual Eceran BBM telah memberi kewenangan kepada Menteri ESDM untuk menetapkan harga dasar dan harga jual eceran BBM, sehingga hampir sebulan sekali terjadi perubahan harga eceran solar.
Tujuan tesis ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak kebijakan subsidi tetap harga BBM jenis solar terhadap perubahan harga sembako di Indonesia, dan menganalisis terjadinya transmisi harga antara harga solar dan harga sembako.
Berdasarkan pengujian dengan pendekatan teori Asymmetric Vertical Price Transmission dan model Error Correction (ECM), didapatkan bahwa hubungan antara harga solar dan harga sembako bersifat tidak simetris, yaitu ketika harga solar naik, maka harga telur, beras dan daging ayam naik, namun ketika harga solar turun, harga telur, beras dan daging ayam tidak ikut turun. Harga telur, beras dan daging ayam terkoreksi kembali kepada keseimbangan jangka panjangnya dalam jangka waktu 2 sampai 4 bulan. Sedangkan untuk komoditi jenis gula, susu, minyak goreng dan daging sapi, pergerakan harga keempat komoditi tersebut tidak memiliki hubungan kointegrasi dengan harga solar.
Faktor yang menyebabkan transmisi harga tidak simetris ini adalah kekakuan harga jasa transportasi dan perilaku spekulan yang memiliki market power dalam struktur pasar oligopoli, baik dalam rantai supply telur, beras dan daging ayam, dimana pedagang besar memiliki bargaining yang kuat dalam penentuan harga.

Ever since the government formally issued fixed subsidy policy for diesel fuel, the price of diesel fuel has been very dynamic and volatile. Presidential Decree No.191/2014 has given authority to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for setting a basic price and selling price of diesel fuel. By the policy, the retail price of diesel fuel changes every month.
The purposes of this study are (1) to analyze the impact of fixed subsidy policy for diesel fuel on basic commodities price in Indonesia, and (2) to analyze price transmission between diesel fuel price and basic commodities price.
By using theory of asymmetric vertical price transmission and Error Correction Model (ECM), it can be shown that relations between diesel fuel price and basic commodities price is asymmetrical. It means when diesel fuel price increased, the price of eggs, rice and chicken meat increased accordingly, however, when diesel fuel price decreased, the price of egg, rice and chicken meat did not decrease. The price of egg, rice and chicken meat will be corrected to its long-term equilibrium with the diesel price for 2 to 4 months. Meanwhile, the price of other basic commodities such as sugar, milk, cooking oil and beef have not cointegrated with the diesel fuel price.
The asymmetric price transmission between diesel price and some of basic commodities is caused by price rigidity of transportation, and behavior of speculators which have market power in an oligopoly market structure in the supply chain of eggs, rice and chicken meat. In this case, big traders have a strong bargaining power for pricing.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Budi Prananto
Peningkatan kebutuhan domestik, peningkatan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak BBM di tingkat internasional, dan harga BBM jenis tertentu yang tetap, meningkatkan beban belanja subsidi BBM dalam APBN. Subsidi BBM yang berlebihan menimbulkan dampak negatif, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya reformasi subsidi BBM jenis tertentu, salah satunya adalah kebijakan pengalihan alokasi anggaran subsidi BBM jenis tertentu melalui peningkatan harga BBM bersubsidi. Studi ini bertujuan menghitung potensi beban belanja subsidi yang dapat diturunkan/dialihkan dari upaya perbaikan kebijakan subsidi BBM dan memperkirakan dampak dari pengalihan alokasi anggaran subsidi BBM terhadap perekonomian nasional, baik terhadap output, pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendapatan masyarakat, maupun tenaga kerja. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa, pada tahun 2012, setiap 1 persen pengalihan alokasi anggaran subsidi BBM jenis tertentu, maka harga BBM bersubsidi akan meningkat sebesar 0,6 persen secara rata-rata, dan konsumsi BBM bersubsidi akan menurun sebesar 0,06 persen. Dengan menggunakan analisis Tabel Input-Output I-O Indonesia tahun 2012 yang di-update dengan metode RAS dari Tabel IO Indonesia tahun 2008, menunjukan bahwa pengalihan alokasi anggaran subsidi BBM pada tahun 2012 yang menurunkan konsumsi BBM sebesar 6 persen dan apabilat dialokasikan ke bidang infrastruktur, sektor industri non migas atau sektor pertanian, ternyata mampu meningkatkan output, nilai tambah atau PDB, pendapatan masyarakat, dan lapangan kerja dalam perekonomian nasional. Output perekonomian dan pendapatan rumah tangga nasional akan maksimal apabila pengalihan alokasi anggaran subsidi BBM tersebut dialokasikan untuk investasi di bidang infrastruktur. Nilai tambah bruto PDB dan penyerapan tenaga kerja akan maksimal jika pengalihan alokasi anggaran subsidi BBM dilakukan untuk investasi di sektor pertanian. Sedangkan investasi di sektor industri non migas dari pengalihan alokasi anggeran subsidi BBM tidak dapat mengoptimalkan dampaknya terhadap perekonomian nasional.
The increase in domestic demand, increase in international prices of fuel oil and fixed price of certain types of subsidized fuel, causing the increase of national budget APBN expenditure in certain types of fuel subsidy. Excessive fuel subsidies has a negative impact, so it is necessary to reforms several fuel subsidy, one of the policy is saving certain types of fuel subsidy through increased prices of subsidized fuel. This study aims to calculate the potential cost of subsidy that can be derived reallocate from the fuel subsidy policy reform and estimate the impact of the fuel subsidy savings to the national economy, both on output, economic growth, incomes, and employment. The study shows that in 2012 every 1 percent r reallocations in certain types of fuel subsidy, the subsidized fuel prices will increase by 0,6 percent on average, and the consumption of subsidized fuel will decrease by 0,06 percent. By using analysis Input Output I O Table of Indonesia in 2012 which is updated with the RAS method from I O Table of Indonesia in 2008, it shows that 100 percent reallocations in fuel subsidies in 2012 that lowered fuel consumption by 6 percent and the savings are allocated to the infrastructure sector, non oil industrial sector or the agricultural sector, was able to increase output, value added or GDP, incomes, and employment in the national economy. Economic output and household national income would be maximized if the fuel subsidy savings allocated for investment in infrastructure. Gross Domestic Product GDP and employment would be maximized if the fuel subsidy savings allocated for investment in the agricultural sector. While investment in non oil sector of the allocated fuel subsidy savings cannot optimize its impact on the national economy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Noor Isnaini
"Persoalan inefisiensi membuat kebijakan subsidi BBM kurang diminati oleh banyak negara dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Meskipun demikian, penghapusan subsidi ini dapat berdampak negatif bagi perekonomian, khususnya terkait kemiskinan, apabila tidak diiringi dengan program kompensasi yang tepat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis program apakah yang paling tepat untuk diterapkan di Indonesia sebagai kompensasi penghapusan subsidi BBM. Program yang dibahas dalam artikel ini meliputi bantuan tunai, subsidi pangan, program pendidikan dan kesehatan, dan pembangunan infrastruktur. Dengan mempertimbangkan jangka waktu program, akurasi sasaran, dan isu kebebasan memilih, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada satu program yang unggul di ketiga aspek tersebut. Oleh karena itu, keputusan untuk memilih program mana yang akan diterapkan tergantung dari tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai oleh pemerintah. Tujuan jangka pendek dapat diwujudkan melalui bantuan tunai dan subsidi pangan sedangkan pembangunan sumber daya manusia dan infrastruktur dapat mewujudkan penghapusan kemiskinan secara lebih berkesinambungan.

Inefficiency has led to fuel subsidies being a much less favourable policy for many countries dealing with oil price hikes over the last few decades. Nevertheless, removing fuel subsidies can have detrimental effects on the economy, particularly related to poverty issue, if there is no appropriate compensation program implemented. This study aims to assess what the most suitable compensation would be in the case of fuel subsidies being phased out in Indonesia. Four different programs considered in this study are a cash transfer, a food subsidy, an education and healthcare program, and investment in infrastructure. Evaluating these programs in terms of time frame, targeting recipients, and freedom of choice, it is found that there is no single program superior in all aspects. The decision on which program should be chosen by the government then depends on its main objective. While an immediate and short-run effect can be achieved by providing cash or inkind transfers to the poor, human capital accumulation and improvement in physical infrastructure offer a long-run and more sustainable effect on poverty alleviation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sommeng, Andy Noorsaman
"The gas usage for household is less than gas usage for industries. PGN gas is delivered to industrial sector greater than 98%, while household sector less than 2%. Laclt of gas distribution infastructure to the customer location is a constraint for exploiting of gas. ln this stuay, investment pattern to develop the gas distribution pipeline was investigated for energy substitution of BEM in the household sector on the chance to decrease subsidy. As the case study, some house estate in Tangerang were selected which are house estate of I. Angkasa Pura 2; II. Batuceper Permai and Polri Batuceper both are existed in Batuceper Ward; III Kehakiman, Kehakiman 1 and Kehakiman 2 in Tangerang Word; and IV. Simprug di Poris, Tamara Porisgaga, Taman Poris, Poris Indah and Cipondoh Makmur in Cipondoh Ward. By using software of Oil Gas and of Economic Model (OGEM) economics calculation for getting gas distribution fee is done. For estimating government investment aid the approach of gas price is equal to kerosene price as Rp 2.700,- per litre that assumed as willingness to pay of the society. The calculation result shows that financing aid from the Government is still needed for the development of gas distribution pipeline for each selected location are 55% ,65%, 40% and 30%. Government participation on the investment for developing pipeline will save in this case no more subsidy starting on 28%, 41", 15"}? and 12nd month .The project will attract for the investor if it has certainty level in the investation feasibility at least equal to 80%. In this study by using Crystal Ball simulation, with the certainty level 80% yielding lRR about 19% which is indicating that cultivation of investment is being feasible."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deuchert, Eva
The effectiveness of hiring subsidies for people with disabilities remains unclear due to potential free-rider, subtitution and signalling effects. The authors propose a novel evaluation approach wherein it is randomly decided wheter or not job applications disclose the subsidy to potential employers. Based on call-back rates for interview, the subsidy is found to be ineffective or even counterproductive in a group of adolescents having completed their vocational training programme. However the negative signalling effect seems to be much weaker in a group of clients of job coaching services who acquired their disability during their working life."
Geneva: Blackwell Publishing, 2017
331 ILR 156:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franke Ann Hirt
Kondisi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di Indonesia adalah belum merata. Terbitnya perpres no 96 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia menjadi kesempatan untuk bisa membangun infrastruktur telekomunikasi dengan menekankan pada coverage dan kualitas. Daerah rural menjadi tujuan utama pembangunan broadband. Metode yang digunakan adalah subsidi beberapa komponen jaringan pada pembangunan BTS dan Ran Sharing dalam tesis ini berfokus pada tower sharing. Dimana model subsidi dari Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah ditambah dengan metode tower sharing, bias menghasilkan nilan NPV yang layak pada pembangunan BTS di tahun kelima di Kabupaten Buton sudah memungkinkan untuk dicabut subsidinya karena profit cummulative sudah sangat layak secara bisnis. Sementara pembangunan BTS di Kabupaten Morotai, semua scenario pembangunan bernilai positif, sehingga bias disimpulkan bahwa operator tidak perlu subsidi untuk membangun BTS di wilayah Kabupaten Morotai.

The condition of the telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. The isuuance of Presidential Regulation No. 96 of 2014 concerning Indonesian Broadband Plan could be an opportunity to build a telecommunication infrastructure with emphasis on coverage and quality. Rural areas became the main objective of development of broadband. The method used is subsidizing several network components in the construction of BTS and Ran Sharing in this thesis focuses on tower sharing. Where a model of subsidies from the Central Government and Local government coupled with tower sharing method, can generate NPV decent value and on the construction site i the fifth year in Buton already allows for subsidies revoked because cumulative profit already very viable business. As for the construction of base stations in the District of Morotai, all development scenario is positive, so that it can be concluded that operator does not need subsidies to build base station in the district of Morotai.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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