Industri fashion terus berkembang sesuai dengan peningkatan jumlah pasar, sehingga menjadikan banyak merek-merek fashion bermunculan. Karena itu, perusahaan merek fashion terus bersaing dan melaksanakan berbagai strategi pemasaran untuk mendapatkan konsumen baru dan mempertahankan konsumen yang sudah ada untuk terus meningkatkan pembelian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk bisa mengetahui faktor-faktor penting yang bisa menentukan passion-driven behavior konsumen terhadap merek. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh biaya iklan, sikap terhadap iklan, dan sales promotion (promosi monetary)dan (promosi non-monetary) terhadap brand prestige dan brand love, serta pengaruh brand prestige, brand love, dan brand trust terhadap passion-driven behavior. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner (online) dalam bentuk pengisian survei oleh 215 responden yang pernah melakukan pembelanjaan fashion secara offline maupun online dalam enam bulan terakhir. Hasil data yang dikumpulkan kemudian diolah menggunakan software LISREL 8.7. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa brand prestige dipengaruhi oleh sikap terhadap iklan dan promosi monetary. Brand love dipengaruhi oleh promosi monetary dan brand prestige. Sedangkan brand trust dipengaruhi oleh brand love. Passion-driven behavior dipengaruhi oleh brand love dan brand trust.
Fashion industry keep growing as the increasing of its market. This situation makes many fashion companies appear. These fashion companies compete each other and use varies of marketing strategies to get new customers and keep their existing costumer. This study was conducted to understand the important factors that can be the determinants of costumer's passion-driven behavior toward a brand. This study discuss about the influence of advertising spending, attitude toward advertisements, and sales promotion (monetary promotion and non-monetary promotion) to brand prestige and brand love, the influence of brand prestige, brand love, and brand trust to passion-driven behavior. The research method used by spreading the questionnaire (online) in a survey form which filled by 215 respondents who ever purchased fashion offline or online in the last six months. The collected data result was processed using LISREL 8.7 software. The findings show that brand prestige is influenced by attitude toward advertisement and monetary promotion. Brand love is influenced by monetary promotion and brand prestige. Meanwhile, brand trust is influenced by brand love. Passion-driven behavior is influenced by brand love and brand trust.