Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh penggunaan media sosial Instagram terhadap efektivitas komunikasi Levi's Band Hunt 2018. Penulis menggunakan indikator kemudahan dan kepercayaan pada variabel penggunaan media sosial dan EPIC Model dari AC Nielsen pada variebl efektivitas komunikasi kegiatan ini. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian analisa regeresi berganda dan ditemukan bahwa pengaruh penggunaan media sosial Instagram terhadap efektivitas komunikasi Levi's Band Hunt 2018, kuat. Sementara, pada efektivitas komunikasi Levi's Band Hunt 2018 itu sendiri, peneliti melalukan perbandingan uji EPIC Model pada band semifinalis dan pendaftar Levi's Band Hunt 2018.
Hasil yang didapatkan ialah pada band semifinalis, dimensi
impact mendapatkan skor kumulatif tertinggi dan dimensi
empathy mendapatkan skor kumulatif terendah. Sedangkan pada band pendaftar, dimensi
persuasion mendapatkan skor kumulatif tertingi dan dimensi
communication mendapatkan skor kumualtif terendah. Terdapat perbedaan skor kumulatif dimensi tertinggi dan terendah, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa para responden penelitian ini lebih tertarik pada konten keseluruhan pada akun Instagram Levi's Indonesia.
This study discusses the influence of social media Instagram usage on the effectiveness of Levi's Band Hunt 2018 communication. The author uses ease of use and trust as the indicators for the variables of social media usage and EPIC Model from AC Nielsen as the measure of variable communication effectiveness. In this study, the author uses multiple regression analysis as the research method and found that the influence of Instagram social media usage on the effectiveness of Levi's Band Hunt 2018 communication was strong. Meanwhile, on the effectiveness of Levi's Band Hunt 2018 communication itself, the author tested the EPIC Model dimensions to respondents consisting of semifinalist bands and bands Levi's Band Hunt 2018 registrars. The results obtained that in the semifinalist bands, the impact dimension got the highest cumulative score and empathy dimensions get the lowest cumulative score. Whereas in the registrant bands, the persuasion dimension got the highest cumulative score and the communication dimension got the lowest cumulative score. There are differences in the highest and lowest dimentions cumulative scores, so it can be concluded that the respondents of this study were more involved in the overall content on Levi's Indonesia Instagram account.