To describe legal ground for operasionalization of Baitul Qiradh activity is the main purpose of this research. The legal ground is founded in funding contract through Bairul Qiradh. The article also describes the limit of responsibility to depositors. Data needed for this research is primery and secondary data. The primery data was gotten by interviewing respondents and informant, while the secondary data was obtained through library research. The result of research shows that Baitul Qiradh is a financial institution, but we cannot call as a banking institution, and also it is not based on license of public institution, so that its existance is quite weak based on the finance law. The form of the business borad whose name is Kelompok_Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) is not known in positive Iaw system. Although, the board can called as civil association which responsibility is unlimited.