Persaingan dalam industri retail semakin berkembang dan ketat membuat perusahaan mengalokasikan untuk menjalankan strategi pemasaran produk, salah satunya dengan advertising. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan in-store advertising, dengan menggunakan metode Eyetracking serta analisis statistik berupa Two-factor factorial design. Hasilnya memperlihatkan tingkat keefektifan beberapa tipe in-store advertising yang umum beredar di pertokoan, khususnya hipermarket. Penelitian ini juga menemukan adanya kecenderungan atensi berdasarkan jenis kelamin pada tipe advertising tertentu namun pada tipe lain, kecenderungan tersebut tidak berlaku.
AbstractCompetition in retailing industry has developed and leads to the point where retailers have to allocate some cost to run the marketing strategies of the products, one of them is by advertising. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of in-store advertising with Eyetracking methods and also statistical analysis which is Two-factor factorial design. The results shows the effectiveness of some types of in-store advertising which are generally found in stores, especially in hypermarkets. This study also found attention tendency based on gender differences on some types of advertising but on some other types, that tendency does not apply.
Competition in retailing industry has developed and leads to the point where retailers have to allocate some cost to run the marketing strategies of the products, one of them is by advertising. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of in-store advertising with Eyetracking methods and also statistical analysis which is Two-factor factorial design. The results shows the effectiveness of some types of in-store advertising which are generally found in stores, especially in hypermarkets. This study also found attention tendency based on gender differences on some types of advertising but on some other types, that tendency does not apply.