Hubungan faktor karakteristik usia, stadium kanker jenis terapi, dan dukungan suami dengan masalah psikoseksual pada pasien kanker ginekologi dan kanker payudara pascaterapi = Association of characteristic factors of age cancer stage types of treatment and partner support with psychosexual problem in post treatment gynecological and breast cancer patients / Mindyarina
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Breast cancer management: Present scenario
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Moule, Terry
Cancer: the healthy option/Terry Moule with Pamela Brooks
Kyle Cathie , 2000
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Oral cancer : causes, diagnosis, and treatment
Michael K. Harris, editor
Nova Science, 2011
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Alschuler, Lise N.
The Definitive Guide to Cancer : An Integrative Approach t Prevention, Treatment, and Healing
Celestial Arts, 2010
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