Hario Tunggul Pratito
Teambuilding dalam olahraga studi kasus : seleksi atlet tim polo air jakarta = Teambuilding in sport case selection of athletes in jakarta waterpolo
UI - Skripsi Membership
The Complete book of water polo : the U.S. Olympic water polo team's manual for conditioning, strategy, tactics, and rules
edited by Ralph W. Hale
Simon & Schuster, 1986
Buku Teks
Faradilla Amelia
Strategi pengendalian sosial oleh sekolah "H" dalam mencegah perilaku hazing = Social control strategy in order to prevent hazing behavior through school "H"
UI - Skripsi Membership
Lativ Shaykhoni
Strategi pengembangan kepemimpinan pemuda di sektor kebaharian dalam mempertahankan ketahanan bahari nasional (studi kasus program kapal pemuda nusantara kementrian pemuda dan olahraga republik indonesia tahun 2012) = Strategic of youth leadership development in maritime sectors to defend of the national maritime resilience (a case study in ship for youth archipelago ministry of youth and sport indonesia year 2012)
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership
The Travels of Marco Polo (the venetian)
revised from Marsden's, translation and edited by Manuel Komroff
World's popular Classics Books, [date of publication not identified]
Buku Teks