Pengaruh penyimpangan iklim terhadap ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Kebumen = The effect of climate deviation to food security in Kebumen Regency / Fathurohmah
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Proceedings international seminar and workshop on learning from climate change and its consequences : the role of scientists and entrepreneurs
edit oleh Yunita T. Winarto, Devin Maeztri
Universitas Indonesia, 2010
 Buku Teks
Inada, Shinji
Climate security: Perspectives on confronting the climate crisis
Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Seikei University, 2022
 Artikel Jurnal
Hanan Nugroho
Memperkokoh keterkaitan ketahanan pangan, energi, dan air (food-energy-water nexus) dalam perencanaan pembangunan Indonesia
Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2020
 Artikel Jurnal
Energy security and climate change: an Indonesian perspective
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Eropa Vol. 4 No. 1 2008: 5-20, 2008
 Artikel Jurnal