Employer Branding Value on Female Labor Force Intention toApply for A Job: Study Case in Jabodetabek = Nilai Employer Branding pada Niat Tenaga Kerja Wanita Melamar Pekerjaan: Studi Kasus di Jabodetabek.
......Antibiotic resistance continues to increase and become a health problem. This triggers the development and discovery of new antibacterial, one of which is derived from plants. Traditionally, masoyi bark is used to treat ailments such as tuberculosis, diarrhea, pneumoniae, and bronchitis. This research aims to identify a class of antibacterial compounds from n-hexane extract and essential oil from masoyi bark against pathogenic bacteria such as S. aureus, S. epidermidis, K. pneumoniae, S. marcescens, and P. aeruginosa while also characterizing essential oil through refractive index and density. Base on the previous research, n-hexane extract showed weak to strong potency (1,05- 10,33 mm) based on paper disc dissfusion method against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, dan P. aeruginosa. Meanwhile, the essential oil of masoyi bark showed weak potency against K. pneumoniae and strong potency against S. marcescens and S. epidermidis. The measured refractive index of essential oil was 1,467 and the density was 0,975 g/mL. In this research, confirmation of antibacterial activity was carried out using paper disc diffusion method, and it was confirmed that extract and essential oil of masoyi bark had antibacterial activity. Identification of a class of antibacterial compounds was carried out using contact TLC bioautography assay. Spots were obtained that produced clear zones and were suspected to be the terpenoid compound group. Spots identified as terpenoid compounds showed the presence of an inhibitory zone against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, K. pneumoniae, S. marcescens, and P. aeruginosa bacteria.