Kerja wajib blandong: eksploitasi hutan di Karesidenan Rembang 1898-1965
Universitas Indonesia, 1993
 UI - Tesis Membership
The liberation of the serfs: the economics of unfree labor
Jurgen Georg Backhaus, editor
[Springer, Springer], 2012
A New Slavery Forced labor: the Communist betrayal of human rights
editedby R.N. Baldwin
Oceana Publications, 1953
 Buku Teks
Thomann, Lars
Steps to compliance with international labour standards : the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the abolition of forced labour
VS Verlag, 2011
Nathalia Christine
Advokasi South Asian Association of Regional Coperation (SAARC) terhadap konvensi pencegahan dan penanggulangan perdagangan perempuan dan anak untuk prostitusi di India tahun 2002-2006 = South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) advocacy towards the convention of prevention and combating women and children trafficking for prostitution in India 2002-2006
 UI - Skripsi Membership