The pastoral industries of Australia: practice and technology of sheep and cattle production
edited by G. Alexander and O.B. Williams
Sydney University Press, 1973
Buku Teks
Munz, H.
Australian wool industry
Cheshire, 1950
Buku Teks
Perbandingan ekspresi mRnasitokin antar domba ekor-tipis dan merino yang diinfeksi fasciola gigantica [Comparison of Cytokine mRNA expression between Indonesia Thin -Tailed and Merino sheep during infection with fasciola gigantica]
Artikel Jurnal
Davison, Frank Dalby, 1983-1970
Dusty : a dog of the sheep country
Angus and Robertson, 1962
Buku Teks
Body weight and statistic vital of texel sheep in Wonosobo District by giving the ramie hay as an additional woof
Artikel Jurnal