Andre Jevi Surya
Analisis peranan ahli kedokteran forensik dalam memberikan keterangan ahli serta pengaruhnya terhadap keyakinan dan pertimbangan hakim dalam menentukan putusan perkara pidana di Indonesia = Analysis of forensic medicine expert role in providing expert's testimony and its influence on judge's conviction and consideration in determining criminal judgment in Indonesia
 UI - Tesis Membership
Butler, John M.
Fundamentals of forensic DNA typing
Elsevier , 2010
 Buku Teks
Buku ajar interaksi obat: pedoman klinis & forensik = handbook of drug interactions : a clinical and forensic guide
Ashraf Mozayani, Lionel P. Raymon, editor; A.A. Kd. Harmita, translator
EGC, 2012
 Buku Teks
Krickeberg, Klaus
Epidemiology: key to prevention
Springer, 2012
Criminal poisoning : clinical and forensic perspectives
Christopher P. Holstege... [et al.]
Jones and Bartlett Publishers LLC , 2001
 Buku Teks