Tourism and culture global civilization in change : Proceeding of the Indonesian-Swiss forum on culture and international tourism, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 1995 / Editor Wiendu Nuryanti
Gadjah Mada University Press, 1996
Buku Teks
Steward, Julian H.
Theory of culture change: the methodology of multilinear evolution / Julian H. Steward
University of Illiones Press, 1979
Buku Teks SO
Cultural theory and cultural change
edited by Mike Featherstone
Sage, 1994
Buku Teks SO
Ramzi Rinaldhi
Pengaruh motivasi object based authenticity dan existential authenticity terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas pengunjung pada heritage tourism di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta = The effect of cultural motivation object based authenticity and existential authenticity to visitor s satisfaction and loyalty in heritage tourism at Jakarta old town area
UI - Tesis Membership
Edria Nadilla Althoofani
Representasi Kebudayaan Qatar dalam Iklan Pariwisata di Youtube "Visit Qatar" (Analisis Semiotika) = Representation of Qatari Culture in Tourism Advertisements on the "Visit Qatarâ Youtube Channel (Semiotic Analysis)
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir