Evett, Arthur
Understanding the space-time concepts of special relativity
Publishers Creative Services, 1982
 Buku Teks
Somov, Boris V.
Plasma astrophysics, part I: fundamentals and practice
Springer, 2013
Eversberg, Thomas
The moon hoax? Conspiracy theories on trial
Springer Nature, 2019
On Space and Time / edited by Shahn Majid ; contributor John Polkinghorne, Roger Penrose, Andrew Taylor, Alain Connes, and Michael Heller
edited by Shahn Majid ; contributors, John Polkinghorne, Roger Penrose, Andrew Taylor, Alain Connes, and Michael Heller
Cambridge University Press, 2012
 Buku Teks
Bollnow, Otto Friedrich
Human space = Mensch und raum / Otto Friedrich Bollnow; translated by Christine Shuttleworth
Hyphen Press, 2011
 Buku Teks