Fiction, folklore, fantasy & poetry for children, 1876-1985 : volume 2
R.R. Bowker Company, 1986
Buku Referensi
Niken Yuni Hapsari
Jenis dan tingkat keidiomatisan makna dan keterkaitannya dengan lingkup kehidupan anak dalam buku cerita anak das Zornickel karya Manfred Mai = Types and levels of idiomaticity and its relation to the scope of childhood in the children's story book das Zornickel by Manfred Mai
UI - Skripsi Membership
Japanese children's stories / edited by Florence Sakade
Charles E. Tutle company, 1971
Buku Teks
Phal Bongi ei gwengjanghan nol / Children's Literature Association yeokeum Korea; Park Chul-min; gimbyeongha picture
Hangugeorini munhakhyeobeihwe
Urigyoyuk, 2006
Buku Teks
Blackford, Holly Virginia
The myth of Persephone in girls' fantasy literature
Routledge, 2012
Buku Teks