Hypoglycemia in a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus with recurrent ketoacidosis
 Artikel Jurnal
Athaza Wanandy
Prevalensi penebalan arteri karotis komunis pada pasien anak dengan diabetes melitus tipe 1 dan hubungannya dengan kejadian ketoasidosis diabetikum = The prevalence of carotid intima media thickness in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and its relationship with the history of diabetics ketoacidosis
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Isni Nadyanti
Pengalaman keluarga klien diabetes melitus tipe 2 menghadapi hipoglikemia = The experience of the family of the person with type 2 diabetes dealing with hypoglycemia
 UI - Tesis Membership
Gallen, Ian, editor
Type 1 diabetes : clinical management of the athlete
Springer, 2012
Teti Sri Gunarti
Model pelatihan bagi calon edukator Diabetes Melitus tipe 1 = Training model for type 1 Diabetes Mellitus educator candidate / Teti Sri Gunarti
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership