Mohamad Ivan Fanany
A shape from shading based 3D reconstruction using projected polygon representation neural network
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A Neural network for recovering 3D shape from eroneus and few depth maps of shaded images Mohamad Ivan Fanany (
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Pengenalan aroma campuran daengan probabilistic neural network pada sistim penciuman elektronik Wisnu Jatmiko dan Benyamin Kusumoputro
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Genetic Algorthms in optimization of 3-D face recognition system using cylindrical-hidden layer neural network in its eigenspace domain Benyamin Kusumoputro, Martha Yuliana Pangabean dan Leila Fatmasari Rachman
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Clustering analysis using a self-organized network inspired by immune algorithm Rahmat Widyanto, Benyamin Kusumoputro dan Kaoru Hirota
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