New roles for classification in libraries and information networks Pauline Atherton Cochrane
Artikel Jurnal
New roles for the information manager in the twenty-first century Michael Heim
Artikel Jurnal
Aarne, Antti
The types of the folktale: a classification and bibliography
Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1964
Buku Teks
Nurdin Laugu
The roles of mosque libraries through history
UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2007
Artikel Jurnal
Abstracts of proceeding 64th anniversary 1952-2016 department of library and information science faculty of huamities, universitas indonesia : the roles of libraries in building strong community and lifelong learning
Departemen Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi FIB UI, 2016
Buku Teks