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Belle Kristaura
Pengaruh penambahan coupling agent hibrida lateks-pati terhadap kompatibilitas dan sifat mekanik produk karet alam berpenguat serat tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) = The Effect of the addition of latex-starch as coupling agent on compatibility and mechanical properties of natural rubber-hybrid oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fiber composite
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
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Health sector reform in developing countries: making health development sustainable
edited by Peter A. Berman
Harvard University Press, 1995
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Mikdashi, Zuhayr
The Community of oil exporting countries; a study in governmental cooperation / Zubayr Mikdashi
Cornell University Press, 1972
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The uruguay round and the developing countries / edited, Will Martin, L. Alan Winters
Cambridge University Press , 1996
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