Lovendo Ilham Widodo
Aktivitas Antiinflamasi, Antivirus, Dan Mekanisme Penghambatan Replikasi Virus Dengue Dari Propil Galat Dan Etil Galat Secara In Vitro Dan In Silico = Anti-inflammatory, Antiviral Activity And Inhibition Mechanisms Of Dengue Virus Replication By Propyl Gallate And Ethyl Gallate: In Vitro And In Silico Studies
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership
Kemal Abdeelah
Efek butil galat terhadap penghambatan reseptor dan penempelan virus dengue serotipe 2 secara in vitro dan in silico = Effect of butyl gallate in receptor and attachment inhibition of dengue serotype 2 in vitro and in silico
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Juanita L T Samban
Aktivitas antiviral campuran propil galat dan etil galat sebagai kandidat antivirus dengue serotipe 2 in vitro = Antiviral activity of propyl gallate and ethyl gallate mixture as a candidate of antiviral drug to dengue virus serotype 2 in vitro
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Potensi in vitro turunan asam galat sebagai kandidat antivirus dengue serotipe 2 dan studi in silico pada protein NS5 = In vitro potency of gallic acid derivatives as an antiviral candidate of dengue virus serotype 2 and in silico study on NS5 protein / Mahmudah
 UI - Tesis Membership
Muhammad Luqman Labib Zufar
Aktivitas antiviral campuran metil galat dan propil galat terhadap virus dengue serotipe-2 = Antiviral activity of methyl gallate and prophyl gallate mixture against dengue virus serotype-2
 UI - Skripsi Membership