Implementasi kewenangan otoritas jasa keuangan (OJK) terkait mundurnya stand by buyer dalam proses right issue sebagai akibat dari ketidakefektifan peraturan BAPEPAM IX. D. 1 tentang hak memesan efek terlebih dahulu: studi kasus pada right issue PT. Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk. dengan briliant bazaar Pte Ltd sebagai stand by buyer berdasarkan akata kesanggupan No. 129 = The implementation of Indonesia financial services authority related to the withdrawal of stand by buyer in the right issue process as a result of an ineffectiveness of BAPEPAM regulation no ix d 1 about pre emptive rights: case study in PT. Mayapada Bank right issue with brilliant bazaar Pte Ltd as stand by Buyer based on the statemant letter No. 129