Husnul Muasyaroh
Peran Literasi Digital, Attitudes toward E-Learning, dan Task Value terhadap Self-Regulated Learning Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh = Role of Digital Literacy, Attitudes toward E-Learning, and Task Value on College Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in Distance Learning
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis Membership
Technology and learning: a look at attitudes and abilities
 Artikel Jurnal
Ninette Putri Mustika
Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap belajar di Masa COVID-19: Peran kesiapan belajar online, motivasi, regulasi diri, dan sikap terhadap e-Learning = Undergraduate students perceived learning during the COVID-19: The role of online learning readiness, motivation, self-regulated learning, and attitudes toward e-Learning
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis Membership
Hubungan antara persepsi, minat, dan sikap siswa dengan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran (Relationship between perception, attitudes and interests of students with student learning outcomes in learning civics
 Artikel Jurnal
International workshop on evidence-based technology enhanced learning
Pierpaolo Vittorini, Rosella Gennari, Ivana Marenzi, Fernando De la Prieta, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, editors
[Springer, ], 2012