May, Rollo, 1909-
Man's search for himself
W.W. Norton, 2009
 Buku Teks
May, Rollo, 1909-
Man`s search for himself
W.W. Norton, 1953
 Buku Teks
Rudan, Gina Amaro
Practical genius: the real smarts you need to get your talents and passions working for you
Simon and Schuster, 2011
 Buku Teks
Fromm, Erich
Man for himself: an inquiry into the psyhology of ethics
Fawcett Priemer Book, 1947
 Buku Teks
Scott, Steven K.
Menyingkap rahasia orang terkaya yang pernah hidup di muka bumi : meneladani rahasia kesuksesan, kekayaan dan kebahagiaan Raja Sulaiman di masa kini=The richest man who ever lived : King solomons secrets to success, wealth, and happiness / Steven K. Scott; alih bahasa, Abdul Qodir Shaleh
Think, 2006
 Buku Teks