Singh, Gurmeet
Reactivation of cytomegalovirus infection in a non-HIV immunocompromised opatient: A case report
Department of Internal Medicine. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal
Grossman, Marc E.
Cutaneous manifestations of infection in the immunocompromised host
Springer, 2012
Indah Pratiwi
Characteristic of pericardial effusion patient based on age, gender, Cytological and clinical Diagnosis at SMF pathology anatomy hasan sadikin bandung hospital in 2009-2013 / Indah Pratiwi, Hasrayati Agustina, Erwan Martanto
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2016
Artikel Jurnal
Tobias, Jeffrey
Cancer: what every patient needs to know / Jeffrey Tobias
Bloomsbury, 1995
Buku Teks
Lantang, Anastasia Magdalena
Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among plantation workers in Pacet Cianjur = infeksi parasit intestinal diantara pekerja kebun di Pacet Cianjur
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership