Honneth, Axel, 1949-
Freedom's right: the social foundations of democratic life
Polity Press, 2014
Buku Teks SO
Muller, Herbert J.
Freedom in the Western world : from the dark ages to the rise of democracy
Harper & Row, 1963
Buku Teks
Fromm, Erich
The fear of freedom
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1950
Buku Teks
Fromm, Erich
Fear of freedom
Routledge Classics, 2001
Buku Teks SO
Sean Sebastian Mangasi
Penerapan asas kebebasan berkontrak dalam perjanjian kredit BNI Flexi ditinjau menurut hukum perdata = The implementation of the freedom of contract in the BNI Flexi credit agreement according to civil law
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