Tambunan, Christ Novrianti
Keberlakuan Perjanjian Internasional Yang Dibentuk oleh Organisasi Internasional Yang merupakan Wadah bagi Integrasi Ekonomi Regional terhadap Negara Anggotanya (Studi Kasus: Keanggotaan Indonesia dalam ASEAN = The Enforceability of International Agreement Concluded by International Organizations which are an Union for the Regional Economic Integration on Its Member States (Case Study: The Membership of Indonesia in ASEAN
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Register of texts of comventions and other instruments concerning international trade law / United Nations
United Nations, 1971
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Kohona, Palitha T.B.
The regulation of international economic relations through law
Martinus Nijhoff, 1985
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International trade and investment : selected documents with 1988Trade Act and case notes / [edited by] John H. Barton, Bart S. Fisher.
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International investment law : the sources of rights and obligations
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