McEwen, Abayomi
Communication skills for adult nurses
McGraw-hill Open Univer, 2011
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Morrissey, Jean
Communication skills for mental health nurses
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Collins, Mattie
Communication in health care: the human connection in the life cycle
Mosby, 1983
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Ronaningtyas Maharani
Kepatuhan perawat terhadap pelaksanaan komunikasi efektif dalam proses serah terima pasien di Rumah Sakit Hermina Kemayoran tahun 2018 = Nurse compliance in effective communication implementation in patient handoff procedure at Hermina Kemayoran Hospital 2018
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
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Astrid Pratidina Susilo
Learning to be the patient advocate: the development of a communication skills course to enhance nurses' contribution to the informed consent process
Lembah Manah, 2013
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