Ayu Utami
Saman : a novel
Equinox, 2005
 Buku Teks
Langenscheidt's encyclopaedic dictionary of the English and German languages : first volume = Langenscheidts enzyklopadisches worterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen sprache : 1. band / edited by Otto Springer
Methuen & Co. ; Langenscheidt Kg., 1962
 Buku Referensi
Langenscheidt's encyclopaedic dictionary of the English and German languages : second volume = Langenscheidts enzyklopadisches worterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen sprache : 2. band / edited by Otto Springer
Methuen & Co. ; Langenscheidt Kg., 1963
 Buku Referensi
Talitha Kana
Analisis penerjemahan interjeksi bahasa Jerman dengan unsur kata gott dalam novel anak Herr der diebe karangan Cornelia Funke: sebuah analisis semantis pragmatis = The analysis of the translation of German interjections with the word gott in German children novel Herr der diebe by Cornelia Funke: a semantical and pragmatical analysis
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Rizki Murti Ayu
Kesepadanan penerjemahan kata makian bahasa Jerman dalam novel grafis berbahasa Jerman Der boxer ke dalam novel grafis berbahasa Indonesia Sang petinju = The equivalence of swear word translation in german graphic novel Der boxer in to Indonesian graphic novel Sang petinju
 UI - Skripsi Membership