Muhammad Adlin Sila
Gender and ethnicity in sayyid community of cikoang, south sulawesi: kafa?ah, a marriage system among sayyid females
 Artikel Jurnal
Esther Kuntjara
Literacy in a multicultural indonesian society: a feminist perspective / Esther Kuntjara
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Yanuar Nugroho
Anonymity in computer-mediated communication: a case study of groupware communication among indonesian ngo activists
Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
 Artikel Jurnal
Persoon, Gerard A.
Isolated islanders or indigenous people: the political discourse and its effects on siberut (mentawai archipelago, west-sumatra) / Gerard A. Persoon
[Publisher not identified], 2002
 Artikel Jurnal
Horstmann, Alexander
Incorporation and resistance: border-crossings and social transformation in Southeast Asia (review article)
[Publisher not identified], 2002
 Artikel Jurnal