Devita Mayasari
Regulasi diri dalam belajar sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara academic buoyancy dan keterlibatan belajar pada mahasiswa = Self regulated learning as a mediator in the relationship between academic buoyancy and student engagement among college students
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Hubungan antara keterlibatan ayah dengan penggunaan strategi self-regulated lerning pada siswa Sekolah Mengah Atas = A Correlational Study between Father Involvement and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Usage among High School Students / Asetya
 UI - Skripsi Membership
I Putu Nareswara Wiadnyana
Analisis pengaruh career calling terhadap perceived employability dan life satisfaction yang dimediasi oleh self-regulatory processes studi kasus: mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia = Causal analysis of career calling toward perceived employability and life satisfaction mediated by self regulatory processes: case study student of Universitas Indonesia
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Nissa Amalia
Peran regulasi diri sebagai moderator terhadap hubungan locus of control dengan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa tingkat akhir dalam menyusun skripsi = The role of self-regulation as a moderator on the relationship of the locus of control with academic procrastination for senior students in completing a thesis
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis Membership
Ayu Prilia Puspitasari
Menguji peran inclusion of other in the self dalam memoderasi pengaruh kondisi regulasi diri terhadap kemampuan mengabaikan daya tarik alternatif pasangan = Investigating the role of inclusion of other in the self as a moderator of the effects of self regulation in derogating attractive alternatives partners
 UI - Skripsi Membership