Mengestu, Dinaw, 1978-
The beautiful things that heaven bears
Riverhead Books, 2008
 Buku Teks
Beautiful things in popular culture
edited by Alan McKee
Blackwell , 2007
Gilbert, Elizabeth
The Signature of all things
Viking, 2013
 Buku Teks
Ferraby, John
All things made new : an introduction to the Baha'i faith
Baha'i, 2011
 Buku Teks SO
Lusiana Idawati
Indah, Konkret, dan Ananta sebagai Irisan Kencana: Suatu Telaah Proporsi dalam Dialektika Seni = The Beautiful, the Concrete, and the Infinite as Golden Section: A Study of Proportion in the Dialectics of Art
 UI - Disertasi Open