Prima Laksmitasari
Objektivitas berita reshuffle kabinet dalam situs berita online (analisis isi tentang pemberitaan reshuffle kabinet kerja Jokowi JK di Kompas com dan Detik com periode 1 april s.d 30 Mei 2015) = Objectivity of the news of cabinet reshuffle on online news media sites a content (analysis of the news of Jokowi JK s cabinet reshuffle on kompas com and detik com during the period of 1 April to 30 May 2015)
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis Membership
Tribuana Sari
Strategi kampanye anti komunisme dalam negeri presiden Harry S. Truman = The strategy of Truman's internal anti-communism campaign
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
 UI - Tesis Membership
Rangga Daud Hadi
Propaganda anti komunisme industri perfilman hollywood pada masa awal Perang Dingin 1947-1954 = Anti communism propaganda in hollywood movie industry during the beginning of cold war 1947-1954 / Rangga Daud Hadi
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Eduard Lazarus Tjiadarma
Hantu sebagai simtom ideologi anti-komunisme di televisi: analisis ideologi terhadap dua episode program televisi Mister Tukul jalan-jalan = Spectres as symptoms of anti communist ideology on television: an ideological analysis of two episodes of the television program Mister Tukul jalan-jalan
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Wijaya Herlambang
Kekerasan budaya pasca 1965 : bagaimana orde baru melegitimasi anti-komunisme melalui sastra dan film / Wijaya Herlambang
Marjin Kiri, 2013
 Buku Teks