Alifa Dewi Djoyosugito
Kekuatan hukum akta perdamaian dalam penetapan hak asuh anak dan pembagian harta bersama akibat perceraian studi kasus putusan no. 122/PDT.G/2015/PN.SGR = The legal force of a settlement agreement in the establishment of child custody and division of divorce dividends case study no. 122/PDT.G/2015/PN.SGR
Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Tesis Membership
Laurents, Arthur
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Random House, 1957
 Buku Teks
French, Hilary F.
Clearing the air : a global agenda / Hilary F. French
Worldwatch Institute , 1990
 Buku Teks
Precious, Mark
Rational expectations, non-market clearing, and investment theory
Clarendon Press , 1987
 Buku Teks
McCracken, Richard
Buying and clearing right : print, broadcast and multimedia
Blueprint, 1995
 Buku Teks