Textbook of diagnostic microbiology
edited by Connie R. Mahon, Dona Lehman, George Manuselis
Elsevier , 2015
 Buku Teks
Koneman's color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology
Gary W. Procop ... [and others]
Wolters Kluwer Health, 2017
 Buku Teks
Koneman's color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology
Washington C. Winn, Stephen Allen, William Janda, Elmer Koneman, Gary Procop, Paul Schreckenberger, Gail Woods
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006
 Buku Referensi
Burrows, William E.
Textbook of microbiology
W.B. Saunders, 1959
 Buku Teks
Forbes, Betty A.
Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic microbiology
Mosby Elsevier, 2007
 Buku Teks