Joseph Ananta Pinora
Human Intelligence dan Techno Intelligence Menghadapi Ancaman Keamanan di Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Soft Systems Methodology = Human Intelligence and Techno Intelligence Facing Security Threats in Indonesia With Soft Systems Methodology Approach
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Arifudin Miftakhul Huda
Rekonstruksi sistem transfer ke daerah dalam rangka penerapan basis akrual dengan menggunakan contingency model dan soft systems methodology = The application of contingency model and soft systems methodology to reconstruct intergovernmental transfer system lesson learned from the implementation of accrual accounting in indonesia
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tesis Membership
Adi Rio Arianto
Membangun pertahanan dan keamanan Siber Nasional Indonesia guna menghadapi ancaman siber global melalui Indonesia Security Incident Response Team On Internet Infrastructure (ID-SIRTII)
Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, 2019
 Artikel Jurnal
Winston Tommy Watuliu
penguatan kapasitas negara (state capacity) dalam mencapai kepolisian demokratis (democratic policing) reserse Polri dengan pendekatan soft systems methodology = Strengthening the state capacity in achieving democratic policing in the crime investigation division of the Indonesian National Police using a soft systems methodology approach
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Winston Tommy Watuliu
Penguatan kapasitas negara (state capacity) dalam mencapai kepolisian demokratis (democratic policing) Reserse Polri dengan pendekatan soft systems methodology = Strengthening the state capacity in achieving democratic policing in the crime investigation division of the Indonesian National Police using a soft systems methodology approach
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Disertasi Membership