Project finance for construction & infrastructure: principles & case studies
Frederick Pretorius, Paul Lejot, Arthur Mclnnis, Douglas Arner, Berry Fong-Chung Hsu
BlackWell Publishing, 2008
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Sri Wahjuni
Pendekatan collective rejoin untuk penanganan normal peer yang efisien pada kegagalan superpeer dalam jaringan overlay P2P heterogen terstruktur = The collective rejoin approach for efficient normal peer handling in case of the superpeer failure in structured heterogeneous P2P overlay network / Sri Wahjuni
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Dipippo, Ronald
Geothermal power plants : principles, applications, case studies and environmental impact
Elsevier, 2008
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Veatch, Robert M.
Case studies in biomedical ethics : decision-making, principles, and cases
Oxford University Press, 2015
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Dipippo, Ronald
Geothermal power plants : principles, applications, case studies and environmental impact
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012
 Buku Teks