Exercise and chronic disease : an evidence-based approach
Saxton, John, Prof.
Routledge, 2011
 Buku Teks
Galoyan, Armen A.
Brain immune system signal molecules in protection from aerobic and anaerobic infections
Springer, 2012
Control of innate and adaptive immune responses during infectious diseases
edited by Julio Aliberti
Springer, 2012
Joko Pamungkas
Respon imun spesifik terhadap protein-protein human immunodeficiency virus type-I (HIV-1) pada beruk (Macaca nemestrina) yang Diimunisasi dengan regimen vaksin DNA HIV-1 berbasis gen utuh dan regimen vaksin DNA HIV-1 berbasis genom yang diacak
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Florentsia Hanum Nugroho
Rerata Rasio Mahkota-akar Gigi Insisif, Premolar, dan Molar Permanen Laki-Laki dan Perempuan Rentang Usia 15-25 Tahun di RSKGM FKG UI secara Radiografis = Average Crown-Root Ratio of Insisive, Premolar, and Molar Permanent Teeth of Male and Female Aged 15-25 Years Old in RSKGM FKG UI
 UI - Skripsi Membership