Legitimation of regimes: international frameworks for analysis/edited by Bogdan Denitch
edited by Bogdan Denitch
Sage, 1979
 Buku Teks
Knapen, Han
Forests of fortune?: the environmental history of Southeast Borneo, 1600-1880
KITLV Press, 2001
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Flores, Jamil Maidan
ASEAN cconomic cooperation: helping the breadwinners of Southeast Asia / Jamil Maidan Flores
The ASEAN Secretariat, 1999
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Cooperation east and west : extracts from a database concerning east and southeast Asia
edited by Gun Lauritzson
Lund University, 1992
 Buku Referensi
Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi, 1963-
The Indonesian military response to reform in democratic transition : a comperative analysis of three civilian regimes 1998-2004
Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi, Sekretariat Jenderal DPR Republik Indonesia bersama Azza Grafika, 2012
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