Creme, Benjamin
The reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom / Benjamin Creme
The Tara Press , 1980
Buku Teks
Drury, Nevill, 1947-
The new age: the history of a movement
Thames & Hudson, 2004
Buku Teks
Krishna, Anand
Dvipantara dharma sastra = ancient Indonesian wisdom for modern times = kebajikan kuna nusantara untuk masa kini
Centre for Vedic and Dharmic Studies, 2015
Buku Teks
Scazzero, Peter, 1956-
Emotionally healthy spirituality: spirtualitas yang sehat secara emosi = Emotionally healthy spirituality: it's impossible to be spiritually mature, while remaining emotionally immature
Tim Literatur Perkantas Jatim, 2016
Buku Teks SO
Pearl, Cyril
The girl with the swansdown seat
Bobbs-Merrill, 1955
Buku Teks